I have always loved music of any genre. American Country and Western being a firm favourite! Having been a teenager in the 60’s when Elivs, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were the name of the game and then in my youth travelling the world in my early twenties when the Bee Gees and similar groups pumped so many amazing songs into the world. I firmly believe that we have lived in the best musical times ever.
Recently I had the privilege of travelling around America with a famous jazz pianist, now 87 and although retired from active playing still very much an active listener and it was amazing to see the older man transformed into a younger more energetic person just by listening to the jazz in New Orleans, the fabulous songs in Memphis and the wonderful country and western tunes at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville.
The music transported us back to the time when we first heard it and the four of us, ranging in age from 70 to 87 were transformed into energetic, enthusiastic teeny boppers. We were still able to dance the night away, not quite till 2 am, but we gave it our best shot. Alcohol was not needed to get to that euphoric state, we were drinking ginger beer, and the music did it all!
It need not be the belting hard rock or the nerve jarring rap, just good music with fantastic lyrics, and herein lies the key, the lyrics of some songs are often quite morbid and depressing so always download the lyrics of a song you like and make sure that they are as positive and upbeat as the music.
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At Hirsch's Homestore we sing every single morning as singing uplifts the soul and by opening your mouth to sing, the pituitary gland which is at the base of your skull is opened and you can literally feel all the little “happy pills” (endorphins) running down your back and permeating your whole body. Thats why singing in the shower wakes you up and rejuvenates you for the whole day, sing with gusto every morning. Songs like S Club 7 - Reach for the Stars, do the movements with it and actually reach for the stars - just moving your body like this will make you feel so much better. Their other hit of theirs, Bring it all Back has super positive lyrics. You can change the words of any song to suit yourself, for instance when you sing the Tina Turner song Simply the Best, change the words to say: “I’m simply the best, better than all the rest, better than anyone I’ve ever met”, and you will become that person!
Being rich or poor starts with the mind and here is one of my all-time favourites - download the lyrics and sing along to “I’ve got a Millionaire mind” and you will literally see your finances transform before your eyes.
At Hirsch's Homestore we work a 7-day week and the one day of the week no one really wants to work is on a Sunday which is always one of our busiest days so most of us need to work on Sundays and the song we sing is the old Daniel Boon number Beautiful Sunday. By the time we have finished the second chorus everyone is revved for the day and ready to take on the world.
Upbeat songs are the greatest antidote to depression and misery. If you sing along to a really upbeat song, you will immediately feel better, but you do need to be selective. Take the tunes you like and can sing along to- and every single person can sing - you may not sing well but you can definitely sing. Don’t worry what other people think or say, I sing to myself constantly and have been known to whistle a merry tune while working. It makes the day go faster and you feel better too. Songs like “Believe" by Honey are just fabulous and if you are able to put the music on really loud so that you can actually feel it pumping in your body - that’s the best -if not just turn up the volume on those earphones and feel the song reverberating through every cell in your body. The energy of the song will lift your energy levels and transport you to a better place without you having to move an inch.
Much Love,
Margaret Hirsch
Millwork Draftsman Services
1yGreat team, so enthusiastic and motivated. All the best for the new year. 🎉
Its amazing the energy and inspiration you continue to share with your Teams around the country! Today- the National Athem perhaps? 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
Divisional Director Retail at Fundamentum Asset Management
1yAn inspiration! It warms my heart to see the support given to staff to uplift their lives.
C.E.O at Young Dynasty NPO/Managing Director/Executive Producer at Star Struck Records (Pty) Ltd
1ySpot on!!!
Founder @ Sister Jenny Burn Foundation CEO OWNER Inventor Sister Jenny JEN-TIL TOUCH Foundation | Natural Healer, Professional Nurse
1ySo special. I have attending your morning motivation to staff and it it a very unique experience.