Progressing or plateauing – what can five years work on modern slavery tell us?
Stronger Together ( celebrated being 5 years old yesterday and that was the question.
We do only have 11 years if we are going to hit the UN Sustainable Development Goal target 8.7:
“Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms”
So what were the key take outs?
Great insight from Lara Bundock and the work of the Snowdrop Project on the need to take the long-term view on the recovery process for victims.
Michael Drew from the Home Office reminded us what the Modern Slavery Act has achieved but was clear that many companies are just not doing enough. Great to hear that the Government will be auditing Modern Slavery statements next year and publicly naming those companies that should have reported but haven’t, as well as laying out a framework for good quality reporting.
The theme of progressing or plateauing was picked up by Emily Kenway whose observation was that many companies at still at the early stages and so are progressing, but that there are signs of others burning out. Maybe too much focus on “spotting the signs” of modern slavery and less on prevention. Paul McAnulty was quick to agree, his view that we are good at reactive remediation but are missing so many opportunities for intervention earlier.
In conference voting showed resource was what was holding progress back but great to hear from Hannah Newcomb and Pamela Zielinski on the resources that are coming out, in particular the Responsible Recruitment Toolkit launching later this month. (
So to the next 5 years? Let’s not be talking about progressing or plateauing. Let's talk about prevention.
Chief Executive Officer at Supply Chain In-Sites.
6yGreat article David. I do think the government audit will be enlightening.