- Workplace stress is unavoidable, but unchecked pressure can lead to ethical burnout, making it tough for employees to maintain integrity.
- Increased commercial pressures: Ambitious targets can lead to risks and ethical lapses. Solution: Coach employees to set realistic goals and maintain open communication channels.
- “Survival mode” thinking: Job insecurity can push employees into self-preservation, jeopardizing ethical standards. Solution: Address stress openly and encourage peer support through “ethics ambassadors.”
- Decision-making overload: The need for speed can lead to shortcuts. Solution: Encourage slower, deliberative thinking to allow for ethical decision-making.
- Culture of envy and competition: Personal ambition can blur ethical boundaries. Solution: Celebrate and reward collective team wins to keep high performers grounded.
This tip is adapted from “4 Warning Signs of Ethical Burnout on Your Team,” by Richard Bistrong et al.