The "Prove Your Love" Entry
Happy valentines to you! I know I am late🙃
Did you have a good valentines or was it just a normal Wednesday for you? For me it was the latter.
We are plenty, don’t worry.
I’ve said that I am personally going to start a petition for valentines to be kept in February because I don’t know why I started hearing about it from January😕
I hadn’t even had my birthday and I was seeing adverts everywhere. What gives?
Allow us to breathe please, thank you 🙄
I remember seeing on a banner a few weeks ago, a program with the title, “I love you is enough,” and I’ve been wondering since then, is it really?
If I asked you this question, you would definitely say absolutely not 😒
What’s that quote we always say again? Actions speak louder than words
Imagine a person constantly tells you they love you without doing anything about it.
They never reach out to you and when you reach out, they start and end the conversation with, “I love you.”
They never ask to see you but they always say they love you though.
You have never even received a gift once, no proof of the love.
You will be extremely annoyed and frustrated, even to the point of blocking the person because why all of that?😐
But we do this everyday in different ways without even realizing.
How? Okay, walk with me.
Do you love yourself?
I know what you’re thinking, “what kind of question is that? Of course I do.”
Well then when was the last time you spoke encouraging words to yourself? When was the last time you got yourself a gift? When was the last time you put yourself in a conducive environment for your happiness?
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Okay let me come down to this. When was the last time you worked on something that would help your life long term?
You say you are a reader but you don’t read, you’re a writer but you ask AI to write all your articles for you, knowing that that will not help you at all. Yes I’m calling you out.
Should I stop?👀
You speak constantly on the things you want to do, things you hope to do while doing absolutely nothing to corroborate them.
How’s that any different from saying “I love you” without showing it? It’s not.
We expect others to show the love they claim to have for us, but we don’t even show the love we claim to have for ourselves.
You would not want your partner professing a love they cannot prove. So do not do the same thing to yourself.
Take care of yourself today. Take care of your dreams. Put your money where your mouth is.
When you say you want to grow, spur into action to prove it by actually working.
Spend time with yourself the way you would expect a partner to spend time with you. Get yourself gifts. Be nice to yourself, understand why you do the things you do.
Do you love yourself? Then prove it.
RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY: the word deserve comes from 2 Latin words, de and servus which translate to; from service.
Remember that you deserve love. Giving it to yourself will make it easier to give love to others.
I wish you a great week!
See you next Sunday!
Your trusty growth partner,