Quotes for the SoJourning Soul
Quotes by Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"A strange and profound experience occurs when you decide one day, the day of days, that you're not wanted. Care not to find thyself in wanting. Lest, thy find thyself in the imprisonment of naivety, unable to locate thine own heart" -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"For we know not of thyself by way of what we can see, but we know of thyself based on the unseen. Lest, speedily are we held captivated by the visuals of improper insanity."-Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Self-Actualized Accountability is the systematic account of one's refusals of awareness, realized. Divine truths housed within the hidden soul. It is therefore, the origin of the denial of investment in self. Furthermore, as I have ingested, SAA is the definitive sphere of the heart that contains every denial, withdrawal, withholding, contradiction of internal parting, deterioration of faith, negation, and refutation." -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Pseudo-Chimera of the Soul is the encumbered innate depiction of who and what we perceive we are in total, based on the internalization of self-inflicted hatred. This peculiar self-identified, self-inflicted hatred is the derivative of how we color ourselves through the transiency of, "The Chamber of Concave Souls", in an attempt to be become one with the presumably impossible. Therefore, it is the conception of the soul, nurtured within the womb of evil." -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Seeking requires truth. With this knowledge, let us be circumspect not to entreaty ourselves to meet wisdom at the shorelines of truth. Surely, we must ask ourselves, "Have I sat upon the seat of my soul in churning?". Lest, we may have an opportunity to meet the facsimile of self. A tragedy to behold." -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Winding of Souls at the core, is the inevitable call of one soul to another. Thus, the innumerability of souls interchanging. It is therefore, the soul attempting to be made recognizable. It acts as a purveyor of truth, housed within the agonies of Satan. Oh the agonies, of which, continually present themselves as the irreplaceable investment in you. Traversing in and out of existence. Therefore, with this knowledge, I further calculate that the WOS are the encapsulator to "The Identifiable Invisible Self". Furthermore, WOS is a derivative of control. Its ultimate purpose is to control, deny, and insulate the self." -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Soulodium Spiritus is the soulistic scroll of evil and its dwellings. Thus, it is the definitive doctrine of Satan. It is the collective of the muteness of the soul and the dead seed of the spirit. Therefore, it acts as the representative of the bondage of a soul attempting to eradicate the origin of breath from the spirit. The commingling of inhabitants. The literal molecular shifting of internal sifting. Upon further calculation, I have deemed that this experience stems from the habitual yearn of evil. Evil, of which, skillfully cavorts the inadequacy and inability of all creation to become God. To dethrone God. Furthermore, it is the recalcitrance of thine own spirit." -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Hearken thyself unto the Days of Old. Prior to the ascension from the Faces of the Deep. For the Days of Old, they do linger. Seeping themselves into the flours of internal parting. It is here, this place seemingly unknown and unfamiliar, that if we allow, may grant us the visitation of self. Descending behind the veil. Lest, surely are we to remain perilous to the benefactor of manifestation in totality. For even the universe aims to meet at Perihelion Paradise." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Right now, is the only appropriate time to detach from self-denial. To live on purpose. Right now, is the only appropriate time to accept pain. Hierarchical pain. Lest, we find ourselves amiss to divine sacred elucidation. Living within the fleeting promises of evil." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"The enemy of the Soul, is the Soul" - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
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"The heart that is dying, has already arisen. It has arisen out of the wilderness, of which, haunts us. Arisen, beyond the naming of stars, surmounting the harm we wish to gift upon it" - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Careful not to fall prey to the creation of thine own hell. Victimization masked within the self. Seek not to incline thine ear to the whispers of the shoulder that binds." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"How recalcitrant are we? As we remain lost in the fire. Unable to house our soul, out from whence the pain we gave away. Continuing to be unaware and completely unabashed about the fact that we do know the whereabouts of who we are. Lost in the fact that we are still somehow, denoting the truth of us willfully being taken away from our own spirits. Continuously on and on, living the story of not being recovered. Relinquishing Spiritual Cornucopia." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"The hours spent searching for yourself after you've given yourself away, is quite the hardship. After experiencing the call to spiritual discovery, and lacking the ability to feel, we find ourselves located within a sphere of complete deprivation. Operating in complete and utter denial of the necessities of the lingering and longing dimensions of the heart. The Heart Mazes. Thus, I implore you humbly, to seek entrance into the heart. Continuously attempt to unlock the doors that've been shut. For it is here, where you may escape the bondage of the earth realm experience." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"We're not what we seem, but we're the exact accountable truth of what we seem. In an expansive scene of consciousness we've not yet known." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Daily, do we evolve. Even in the face of Self-Rejection and Pseudo Self-Destruction. Therefore, let thine ears incline themselves. For what lies beneath, must succumb to the eyes behind the veil." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Dismemberment of Evils, is the processing of the impurities of systemic thoughts, spiritual mental agility, and the layering of the soul and the souls within themselves. Thus, it is the divinitive act of re-establishing spiritual territories. Moreover, it is the soul attempting to commune with the heart, to the conclusion of travailing out of the diminishing heart realm. The earth realm heart." -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"Canticles of Concave Circles, are the derivative of a soul or a member of a collective of souls, attempting to become recognizable to God, centuries after full non-repentance of sins committed. A soul or soul of souls, is incapable of escaping yearn, desire, need, and want of which is the continual delirium of Soulistic Vanity, the Self-Induced hatred of souls, and the ultimate rejection of all truths. Thus, canticles act as the narrative of, "The Pleas of Hell". The entreaty of the definitive Concave Souls, attempting to gain entrance into the heart of God, after the final encounter of Self-Refutation. Therefore, these experiences have been identified as the, "Phantoms of Souls"." -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"It shall come to pass, the weary and the suffered of souls, the time of timely. The time of which, soon I will wither, as I despairingly weep in the grass of old. Wailing, for the days whom have seen my death. The rotting of my flesh. The blood of my bones spent in mourning. For the years lost. For the years gained. Soon I shall wither as I die. Suffice it be, the death of me. For the surrendering of my truths. For the flourishing of which soon shall be, me." - Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson
"The enemy of pain, is the SoJourning Soul in review" -Dr. Sonny A. Dotson-Johnson