RENT the Situation but OWN the Lesson

RENT the Situation but OWN the Lesson

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Last week we talked about how the crisis of confidence you and others you look up to are feeling right now is exactly what we would expect to happen in the depth of the pandemic. 

Do we throw our hands up in defeat? Well, this isn’t a war, so no. Put the white flag away.

Instead, we get to change the narrative. Narratives are powerful. Think about the Marvel movies (don’t tell me you haven’t binge-watched them during COVID). Can you think of a single hero that had it easy? That they rolled out of bed and accidentally saved the day. That they had all the tools and resources to battle the “bad guys.” That they didn’t have some crisis of values or relationships or confidence. 

What makes those comic book series movies so juicy is all the messed stuff that keeps you on the edge of your seat, so riveted that you didn’t even notice you ate an entire bag of popcorn by yourself (okay, well maybe that’s just me.) “How will they do it? What will happen next? Will they save the day?” (Kinda sounds like the questions you ask about our frontline healthcare heroes doesn’t it?)

Our greatest heroes have to flip failure on the route to greatness. 

What You Focus on Matters

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Think about your greatest mentors. I bet you that the people who have most inspired you had to struggle through survival and because of it, it was part of their thrival (a thrival revival!)

As tough as it is right now – and I so get it’s an on-your-knees, I’m-so-done-with-this, how-long-can-this-go-on – level of tough. Yes, and, the emotion and strain of the situation don’t need to be mistaken for something that requires you to dig in, fix, and figure out. Your extended experience of struggle is not the ‘new you’ or the “new normal” (yuck that term). 

It’s arguably the longest temporary shared painful human experience of our lifetime. So, you don’t need to let the pain of it prioritize it. Shoulda coulda woulda never inspired anyone. Including yourself.

Don’t make your mindset about this time more permanent than the time itself.

You get to RENT this time for its lessons and learnings.

If you’re feeling, “okay that’d be nice but I’m too darn worn down to figure out how to do this”, I’ve got you. Here are 15 mantras to help you RENT the situation and OWN the lessons.

How to Rent:

  1. If it’s not permanent, you don’t need a long-term fix
  2. If it’s out of your control, you get to go with the flow
  3. If it’s ever-changing, you can put a “hold” on big decisions
  4. If it’s you’re struggling today, you might have greater insight tomorrow
  5. If it’s working in the short-term, it might be worth keeping long-term
  6. If it’s tough now, it might allow you to appreciate “better” later
  7. If it’s not something you miss, maybe you realize you didn’t actually want it
  8. If it’s something you crave, you have more clarity you may need it
  9. If it’s a relationship that’s a struggle, it reveals how important it is to you
  10. If it’s a roadblock today, you have the opportunity to find a way around it 
  11. If it’s a surprise, it might have always been there but hidden 
  12. If it’s deflating you, you can work toward mitigating or even elevating going forward
  13. If it’s tough to rally today, maybe it’s better to rest and recharge
  14. If it’s burnout knocking on your door, evict it with self-care
  15. If it’s tough to act, maybe it’s better to reflect

Please know, I am not minimizing this time for anyone. It’s a knock-down drag-it-out fight for so many, including me, so I’m right there with you. However, if you’re in the boxing ring of life, then someone has got to lose; I’m worried it’s us. We’re losing. Or losing out. Maybe if we realize it’s a practice rather than the actual match of life then we can rent the lessons it brings. We can stay in the ring, training today for what life brings us tomorrow. And allow ourselves to do what we need today for a hopeful future. And stay focused not on what’s distracting, disturbing and detracting us, but instead, getting clarity and reconnected to stuff that matters most.

If you know someone who might benefit from these mantras, will you forward this to them? Stay safe and remember, you are already greatness™.

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Sarah McVanel is a recognition expert, sharing her knowledge and client stories through professional speaking, coaching, training and her co-authored books “Forever Recognize Others’ Greatness: Solution Focused Strategies for Satisfied Staff, High Performing Teams and Healthy Bottom Lines” and The FROG™ Effect Workbook: Tools and Strategies to Forever Recognize Others’ Greatness” as well as her recently published, “Flipside of Failing”. Visit her at Greatness Magnified or on eSpeakers. Want more greatness every week? Subscribe to our YouTube channel, our Daily Alexa Flash Briefing for Greatness Biz tips or Daily Tips to Forever Recognize Others’ Greatness and our blog.

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Joseph Grimaldi,

Global Project Management || Sustainability Leadership || Net Zero Transformational Agent || Relationship Builder and Community Advocate || Entrepreneur || Coffee Aficionado


Keep the Faith .......😇

Joseph Grimaldi,

Global Project Management || Sustainability Leadership || Net Zero Transformational Agent || Relationship Builder and Community Advocate || Entrepreneur || Coffee Aficionado


Great work Sarah and commitment to reducing stress and enhancing mental health Thanks

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