World is a stage and we all are the actors ….until this is realised “respect” lives.
Respect is just not a word it has deeper layers to it some that could be talked about and some which can never be showcased only a little sensitivity will uncover the meaning. Respect is the throbbing heart underneath any relationship if at all you thrive on worldly relations. Worldly relations can be between anybody from any part of the world. When we hear relationships we often think of the most difficult ones which we are enduring at the moment. So even in this moment the word “relationship” will straight away take your wandering mind to the one that is causing a deep pain to you. Mind has its own game plan, silly yet there.
Respect is a very subtle blow or a saviour however one wants to see it there may not be a lot spoken about it in a relationship but the impact is magnanimous. The repercussions are like a tornado hitting the city in the middle of a peaceful night. It feels like everything was alright on the outsides but in the insides it was a hot charcoal burning into ashes.
Relationships are beautiful ways to live and thrive in this world may be they start with the freshness of the most misunderstood word “Love” but the backbone rests on “Respect”. Respect is hidden, almost negligible and at times overlooked yet the most subtle to bring a catastrophic impact. This word almost has been heard from everyone in the form of “I want them to respect me” irrespective of how often they themselves have crossed the line. Quite difficult to catch your own self yet easy to spot the absence in others.
Lapi was a beautiful mother of two, married to a decent guy and living her life on her family terms. Her world was monotonously beautiful except for the occasional choking. She cooked, cleaned , took care of her family and everything was perfect from the outsides but the inner walls were scathed. Lapi was a perfect case of monogamy where respect never existed from the very beginning what existed was “taken for granted “. She wanted to be present but her options and views were taken for granted and she had no say. She was supposed to echo her significant other’s decisions. She was genuinely taken for granted “an echo voice” and a body without a mind of her own.
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In a relationship we often forget the significant other is still there, very much present and we take them for granted. Over time the same overlooking gesture builds itself into a wall until it’s too late or the other is completely absent it’s just you in the relationship. Lapi was going through something similar she loved to take care of her kitchen and she wanted her voice to be heard about some arrangements towards her kitchen but her voice was lost in oblivion. Her significant half never made it a point to ask her opinions about the kitchen and its daily affairs she was always left out. This may be just an example but similarities can be drawn in any relationship where the other person’s voices become insignificant and remain unappreciated. We often forget that when we are in a relationship with someone they too have a mind of their own, they have their likes, dislikes, their choices their voices and however irrelevant it may sound it is more relevant than making the other person feel diminished and insignificant.
Lapi is an avid newspaper reader and she looks at a new technology in awe, it sounds exciting to her but involves a risk and being young she wants to explore this technology but the mere mention of it brings in an avalanche of judgements from her significant other thereby lowering her spirits and leaving her teary-eyed. How often did you go through such a snubbing and how many of you were able to control those tears or stay calm in the midst of that heart breaking moment. Relationships are fragile and they need nurturing, watering and a lot of care. The ghosts of past in the form of fears can really jeopardise the sweetness of newness which a relationship often needs to stop growing stale. A newness will keep the relationships alive and kicking.
Lapi was excited to discuss a name she had thought for her son but when the naming ceremony happened she was ignored and her opinion never asked. She just stood there in stupefied silence accepting her fate about where she stands in this relationship. Are relationships only fate based or…? Relationships are beautiful but quite often we forget we are simmering the sparks of a mutiny by being disrespectful. Accepting the fate for an individual case is acceptable because the choice lies in the hands of the single person. Accepting things in a relationship without consent is the first blow of destruction it may be vey soon the obvious will find its way to the surface.
Its a beauty to have relationships but its even more important to have respect for each other in any relationships because it will not be the mundane that will be remembered deeply but the subtle nuances that makes you feel good, happy and respected and feeling loved. Moreover its a work in progress day in and day out ….Happy Coaching #Shambho #leaders #leadershipdevelopment #motivation #success #consciousplanet #people #health #leaders #coaching #stress #consciousness #innovation #future #creativity #digitalmarketing #entrepreneurship #careers #europe #travel #mindset #coaching #linkedin #growth #blogger #wordpress #travel #mindset #writer #leadership #mentalawareness #fear #change #fitness #mental