Rewiring Your Inner Game: A Bold Approach to Navigating Uncertainty

Rewiring Your Inner Game: A Bold Approach to Navigating Uncertainty

When uncertainty strikes, do you stumble or stand tall with a winner's mentality?

It's not about whether you fear uncertainty but how you interpret it—is it a threat or an opportunity? And even if it is not binary, it’s the rule in your head about the challenge of uncertainty. I had no idea how much my brain perceived it as a threat even though I found solutions.

This distinction shapes how well you perform because it programs your internal guidance system. Will you excel, handle it or mishandle it?

If your system is tuned only for safety, you'll likely maintain the status quo, avoiding risks and playing it safe. But if it's calibrated for excellence, you're set to elevate your thinking, accelerate your influence, and engage in transformative conversations that increase predictability and success.

Fine-tuning your sense-making abilities raises your inner game. A winning mentality equips

you to see high leverage patterns, and make game changing, game winning decisions.

Let’s dive into what this details and how you can harness it to not only survive but thrive in the realms of high stakes and high pressure.

The Psychological Underpinnings

Your brain is a pattern-detecting powerhouse, engineered to navigate uncertainties. Adaptability is key; without it, you risk missing out on opportunity.

However, many leaders remain stuck in outdated patterns, locked into old strategies, and play to avoid losing. This rigidity can prevent them from adapting to significant shifts in external conditions, often continuing to rely on inefficient methods despite better alternatives being available but they can’t see.

Here are some of the key drivers behind why this happens:

⚫️ Cognitive Familiarity Zones: Under stress humans gravitate towards what is familiar making it difficult to break away from established patterns. When things are not familiar your brain can unconsciously perceive the situation as dangerous. This resistance to change can lead to a reliance on strategies that may have been effective in the past but are no longer relevant.

Again, growing up in intense uncertainty I falsely concluded that uncertainty is dangerous. I played small even though inside I dreamed big. It resulted in mediocre outcomes and I couldn't figure out why.

⚫️ Fear of the Unknown: May actually be fear of letting go of the known. Many leaders fear the potential consequences of deviating from tried and tested methods. This fear can inhibit the exploration of new ideas and strategies, limiting the ability to adapt to new challenges or opportunities.

⚫️ Fear of Failure, Masquerading as an Overreliance on Past Successes: Success can breed complacency where leaders continue to rely on the strategies that brought them past victories. This can blind them to the need for change and adaptation, leading to a cycle of stagnation. And if you scratch the surface a fear of failure may be hidden.

⚫️ Lack of Exposure to New Ideas: If leaders are not exposed to new and diverse perspectives, they may not even be aware of alternative strategies. This lack of exposure can cement outdated thinking and prevent innovative problem-solving.

⚫️ Organizational Inertia: In large or established organizations, changing strategic direction can be like turning a large ship—it takes time and significant effort. Organizational structures, cultures, and systems can all act as barriers to change, reinforcing old patterns and strategies.

Strategic Agility: Mastering the Meta-Game

The 1% who create the exceptional, and excel when uncertainty strikes, consistently apply strategic agility. Every winning leader and company is centered around great ideas, and then influence the key people to make the right choices and implement them. Strategic agility is the toolset that equips you to have elevated thinking, accelerated influence and increased predictability.

Rewiring your inner game shifts the way you think, giving you more control over how you respond to challenges and opportunities. This shift is crucial not just for surviving but thriving in today’s fast-paced world.

In my approach, presented fully in my book, "Do What Others Say Can’t Be Done - Play the Meta-Game" I teach leaders to move beyond just dealing with threats and be 1 step ahead, having the foresight to anticipate possibilities. Instead of remaining stuck, you will see the hidden opportunities that challenges can offer.

This process involves playing what I call the Meta-Game, a strategic framework that leverages patterns of power. Connecting the dots at a deep level, essentially rewiring how your brain works in a business context.

No surgery necessary.

The common myth is that games are for children. The truth is games are for the most successful and powerful leaders. When we think of games we also limit it to winning and losing. The Meta-Game is focused on meaning. Or why would winning or losing matter? What’s most meaningful for you? Meaning matters. When you play the Meta-Game, there is more meaning, more mastery and yes, more money.

The Neuroscience Behind the Meta-Game

The brain with its complex neurocircuitry and and chemical cocktails, thrives on games. Do you like to play games? Your brain certainly does. It especially likes to play the hidden game of patterns. The Meta-Game is the penultimate game of patterns.

The Meta-Game is not just about responding to changes but about anticipating and creating them. It involves seeing the hidden structures that guide how challenges and opportunities unfold.

You don’t need to memorize any neuroscience. It simply provides the why and confirms the value of your choices. The good news is the tools take just a few minutes to learn (but an engaging lifetime to master) In a business setting, we learn best when there is a need to know. With the right lens, the right frame, your situation will always provide ‘need to know’ opportunities to apply the skills to win the Meta-Game.

At the brain level, playing the Meta-Game enhances your cognitive fluidity — your brain's ability to shift thoughts and adapt behaviors in response to new, unexpected, or complex situations. Your brain is designed to resolve uncertainty.

"The difference between the winners and losers is the winners know how to rapidly amplify their adaptability."

Those who excel in the Meta-Game aren't just participants; they are the architects of their realities. That’s a big mouthful.

Perception drives behavior

Think about it this way: people say perception is reality, that may or may not be true. But what we can count on is perception drives behavior. Your actions and decisions are ultimately driven by what you perceive to be true. Our brains are perception engines, and we are perceivers. And that means we can set ourselves up to master the game and defeat uncertainty.

Uncertainty strikes

Uncertainty is a challenge we face when the outcome is unknown and there is risk involved. Don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. This is not make-believe. However, recognize that we instantly tell ourselves a story about the challenge we have to deal with. And what is intriguing is that even before the challenge ever happens there is code in your brain for handling uncertainty and the unfamiliar. This code or ruleset can trigger fear and doubt, hijacking the fear centers in your brain.

How do you know your strategic agility is being undermined?

You may experience it as feeling stuck, that you are missing something but don’t know what it is, or even externalize it and say I can’t find good people. This may be true, but the real test is behind the scenes there is fear of failure or fear of rejection or an unspoken sense you are not good enough. I’m not suggesting you are not good enough, that’s a false rule keeping you stuck when you venture out of the familiar.

For example, the actual situation you encounter may be that sales are down and we tell ourselves it is a threat to our survival. It might be. But, how we interpret the situation is to a large extent determined by what it means about us. Our identity. Am I a failure? Do I perceive myself as not good enough? Or do I deny reality and act overconfident?

This happens at the speed of a neurocircuit signal, milliseconds. You are not stuck stuck in this spot. Once you grasp the mindpower to direct your story, you can adapt. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or overconfident you can adapt and change course to win faster. From that vantage point, you can confidently recognize and trust you can bring the resources to handle it?

Fortune favors First Adapters. Those 1% who master their game and excel.

They set their brains up, their perception engine to create more mastery, more meaning, and more money.

In one of my conversations with Andrew Leedham, author of Unstoppable Confidence he changed my view of failure. I thought failure was something to avoid or minimize. Failure, for First Adapters, is not only an option, it is an essential part of moving forward rapidly. They mitigate the downside risks while using failure to learn what you must to succeed. Their brains are set up to perceive risks as a step faster and further along their expected outcome. I like to say, fail forward faster.

Furthermore, they recognize what is missing in the field of play, and spot high-leverage patterns to make game-changing, game-winning decisions.

For them, strategic agility isn’t just a survival skill but a strategic advantage that enables them to shape outcomes proactively.

Here’s a deeper look at how you can rewire your brain to master the Meta-Game:

1- Spot the Game:

Our brains are pattern-seeking engines. We can’t see patterns. In fact, we will make up patterns when there is no pattern present. Think of superstitions and habits that don’t work.

To excel you need to spot deeper patterns. Better patterns lead to better predictions and that means we can adapt to influence the outcomes.

Action Steps:

⚫️ A game is a pattern of interactions, a story with players on a gameboard with rules, threats, and rewards. Identify the gameboard you are on. The field of play. Consider how you win on that gameboard. What are the incentives? Is it a fair game, do you avoid conflict, do you push your point of view, do others accept that or push back. The first place to amplify the quality of your pattern recognition is seeing patterns of interaction.

The Road to Hell is paved with mishandled interactions

Steven Feinberg, PhD

Rules/rule. Identify the rules of the game. Who can say what to whom and when?

Can you speak about your boss in a meeting, only privately with them, or not at all?

Rules are key because in every communication you can create, build or move desires forward or too often the opposite.

There are two types of rules. Rules for how to play and Rules for how to feel.

Rules determine how to play on the gameboard, legitimate and illegitimate moves and countermoves, and as a result who wins and who loses.

Rules also determine how you feel. How you respond to challenges is determined by the rules in your head. For example, how do you respond to failure? To rejection? If the rule in your head is failure is a bad thing then you will play small, avoid conflict, and not rock the boat. If the rule in your head is failure is necessary to move forward faster, then you will take action, reduce unnecessary downside risks, and fail forward.

2- Bust the Patterns:

Once you've identified key patterns, the next step is to strategically adapt. Remember we are slowing this down for your understanding. Once you get it, you adapt faster and even on the spot.

You’ve heard the expression: if what you are doing isn’t working, do something different.

The critical ability is to outmaneuver the obstacles whether internal politics, customer objections, or resource constraints.

But how? Examine your attempted solutions, those are your patterns, then consider what would be 180 degrees different.

Think about a Chinese Finger lock, you put one finger from each hand inside the empty side. Then you try to get out. The harder you pull the tighter it gets. You are stuck in an unworkable pattern. Common sense says to pull harder. But when you perceive the challenge accurately, instead of pulling, you counterintuitively push, and voila!, you are free.

First Adapters use this 180 counterintuitive move.

Action Steps:

⚫️ Foresight, 1 step ahead: Utilize your understanding of existing patterns to anticipate and prepare for various future scenarios. For instance, if you notice a recurring dip in sales every third quarter, plan promotions or new product launches ahead of that time to counter the trend.

⚫️ Innovate Deliberately: Use the patterns you’ve identified as a foundation for challenging the status quo and experimenting with new strategies. For example, if consumer data shows a growing trend in environmental consciousness, you might innovate by developing eco-friendly products or adopting greener manufacturing processes.

Such deliberate innovation not only caters to current consumer trends but also stimulates your brain's neural pathways, enhancing your cognitive fluidity and ability to adapt to changes swiftly.

3- Set the Frame:

Once you know the game and can bust the pattern you must enroll others, that is, influence others to change the game. All effective leaders and organizations must have people to move their ideas into action and results. Influencing is a key skill. You need to be able to persuade the unlikely to go beyond the status quo - to exceed expectations. Mahatma Gandhi was a master influencer. He changed the course of his nation and history.

All leadership is framing. Frame the decision, shape the conversation and steer outcomes.

Action Steps:

⚫️ Make your valid argument vivid.

Which is more influential, a valid argument or a vivid argument? You want to be truthful so the tendency is to say a valid argument. However, research suggests vivid arguments are not only more influential, but more powerful. So I suggest you make your valid argument, vivid. It’s not either or, it’s both and. Not either valid or vivid, it’s both valid and vivid.

A picture is worth a thousand words and is both an experientially valid argument and vivid. Vivid arguments take the complex and make them simple. They can be stories, concrete examples or non-arguable facts told in a context that is compelling.

⚫️ Change the frame, change the game

To frame your point of view, create meaning for your audience, because without influence big ideas flop. A frame is a lens, shaping what matters, creating meaning, and influencing judgment.

JFK framed the original moon shot. “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.” And we did.

Navigating Your Future: Rewiring Your Inner Game for Leadership Excellence

In a world rife with uncertainties and rapid changes, the ability to adapt is more than a skill—it's a crucial survival strategy.

As you navigate the future, bolstering your adaptability will transform challenges into stepping stones toward greater success.

Remember, in the arena of high stakes, fortune does not just favor the brave; it favors the prepared—the First Adapters, the visionaries who look beyond immediate crises and see a mosaic of opportunities.

Reflection Questions to Consider:

⚫️ What outdated patterns are currently limiting your leadership or organizational potential?

⚫️ To what extent are you aware of your brain’s tendency to experience danger when you step out of the familiarity zone?

⚫️ What can you do to foster a culture that values adaptability and innovative thinking in your team or organization?

By questioning the status quo and embracing the principles of the Meta-Game, you position yourself to excel, and your organization to thrive amid complexity and volatility.

To achieve exceptional results, master your game by transforming how you think about and respond to uncertainty.

Ready to See How You Stack Up?

Find out how you measure against the best with our First Adapter Scorecard. It takes less than 3 minutes to complete and will provide you with invaluable insights into your strategic agility.

Get your First Adapter Scorecard now!

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About Steven Feinberg, PhD

Steven Feinberg, PhD., is a distinguished Neurostrategist, Executive Coach, and High Performance Team Builder, renowned for enhancing the capabilities of some of America's sharpest and smartest brains and businesses. His current work is on Mastering Your Game: unlocking the hidden game of patterns to excel. With an extensive portfolio of work with CEOs, senior executives, and business founders, he has contributed to the success of organizations ranging from billion-dollar Corporate 500s to vibrant entrepreneurial startups, including notable brands such as Apple, Nvidia, Google, Oracle, LinkedIn, Wells Fargo, and Xero, ranked the Number 1 innovation startup.

For over three decades, Dr. Feinberg also served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of San Francisco School of Management. Steven guest lectured at prestigious institutions like Stanford and Cal Poly. He is the author of the highly acclaimed Amazon bestsellers, "The Advantage-Makers” and "Do What Others Say Can’t Be Done: Play The Meta-Game”

With more than 40 years of direct experience in high-pressure, high-stakes business environments. Dr. Feinberg specializes in Mastering Your Game, to excel by transforming uncertainty into opportunities for high-velocity advancement, achieving remarkable impact for both individuals and teams.

Lisa Haisha

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No doubt that leadership excellence comes from mastering the art of navigating uncertainty.

Leo Kanell

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Excellent advice! Let's change our game. Leaders need to be flexible and adaptable. Sticking to outdated strategies can hinder progress.

Baz Porter®

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Enjoyed reading this. Setting the frame and influencing others is a key leadership skill. It drives collective action and success.

Marta Skik Harich, CPA

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That's why leaders must cultivate a winning mentality to see high-leverage patterns and make game-changing decisions.

Scott Knutson, MBA, M.S. Leadership, ACC

Retention Expert | Leadership Coach | Creator of Leadership Advance: The Un-Retreat for People-Centered Leaders | Retain top talent & attract the best | Passionate about work-life balance & making every game count!


Cultivating a culture that values adaptability ensures we remain competitive and forward-thinking.

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