The role of AccessiWay in digital accessibility
Digital accessibility is the ability of IT systems to respond effectively to their use by people with disabilities who navigate the Internet, in most cases, with the help of assistive technologies such as zoom, screen readers, or text-to-speech software. In general, accessibility represents a way of designing the web interface or an app always keeping the final user in mind. An accessible digital product is more easily usable not only by people with disabilities but by anyone.
Although digital accessibility represents a positive note for websites and apps, it still appears to be a niche topic, not sufficiently known by designers, developers, and planners. The dissemination of knowledge of digital accessibility among professionals is one of the objectives that AccessiWay has proposed over time, together with a series of other actions that we will tell you about in this article.
1. Who is it aimed at?
Digital accessibility is fundamental for people with disabilities, in particular blind and partially sighted people, people with upper limb motor disabilities, deaf people, and so on. For years it has become a real gateway to the main services of public administrations, commerce (think of the development of e-commerce), and for managing daily activities such as delivery of a parcel or consulting the electronic register of one's children. For this reason, making digital products accessible or designing them in a natively accessible way is the main challenge that AccessiWay sets itself. According to an estimate, those who benefit from accessible websites and apps are around 20% of the population of our country. The positive implications also concern the work: think of the management software used by all of us to carry out our work or to manage our holidays and leaves; the accessibility of these devices is the main turning point in guaranteeing a career free of discrimination for people with disabilities.
2. The challenge of its implementation in companies and public administrations.
AccessiWay started a dialogue mainly with companies and public administrations: they are, in fact, the ones who introduce the majority of websites into the network and for this reason, they can be the main interlocutors to start a paradigm shift that sees the digital accessibility as a driving force for real inclusion of people with disabilities in today's world.
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3. The need for expertise and order (our approach).
AccessiWay's approach intends to respect organizations and their nature. We understand that implementing new skills and processes that consider accessibility as their integral part is not a quick path. That’s why we developed a methodology that takes the organization by hand and intends to start this journey, respecting timescales, plans, and objectives. For this reason, we choose to move from the consultancy to the proposal of training courses that contribute to the internalization of accessibility, creating awareness on the topic. The first question you need to ask yourself is "Why am I doing it?". The answer is the millions of people who can conveniently access the website or app of the organization that has started its accessibility journey.
4. The involvement of people with disabilities and their associations.
A theme that should not be forgotten in this contribution to the world of digital accessibility is the union between the world of companies and public administrations and that of disability. People with disabilities are represented by their associations and trade federations, and they have also begun to self-represent them through events such as Disability Pride and dedicated festivals. AccessiWay intends to promote these actions and organizations of people with disabilities, supporting their dialogue with companies and public administrations. Furthermore, one of the most important services of our company is the User Test, which is the direct involvement of people with disabilities in testing the usability of a digital touchpoint.
In conclusion, AccessiWay's contribution to the world of digital accessibility is of two forms: a more technical one through the intervention of its accessibility experts and their consultancy and a more "cultural" one linked to the empowerment of people with disabilities and their organizations, ensuring their full involvement on a topic that concerns them so closely, fully respecting the motto "Nothing about us without us".