Sales is a Science | Not an Art | Salespersons are not Born | They are Made
Some of us began a career in sales by going one step further due to our family background, education, and so on, but with the pressure of globalisation and increasing competence, those who do not master the fundamental framework of sales will naturally wither and eventually disappear from the market circulation.
It's like a house built on a solid foundation that doesn't sway, collapse, or break when it heavily rains and floods. Selling is a science, regardless of whether you believe it or not. If this is accepted, a fundamental sales framework that a salesperson can grasp is available.
We cannot always predict how prospects (potential buyers) will react, behave, or even what strategies they will employ to provide feedback on our sales presentation. One thing is certain, and it is entirely within our control: we should clearly understand our capacity or ability. We must prepare a tactical game plan ahead of time and execute it with confidence, thoroughness and dexterity.
By mastering the fundamental sales framework, which provides feedback to each of our sales presentations and allows us to analyse where we have succeeded or failed, we will be able to stay passionate, optimistic, survive and exist.