SAP LeanIX Objective Factsheet Modelling & Visualization
In this article, I explore the some of the ideas around the Objective factsheet modelling and visualization in SAP LeanIX. Our approach in this endeavour is to map the Objectives against the growth drivers in the organization and subsequently use the Gartner Pace-layered approach concept for objective categorization.
Let us understand the basic terminology used in this article, The Top Line, The Bottom Line & The Green Line.
The Top Line: In the context of enterprise architecture, a top-line Objective serves as a high-level, overarching goal that guides the strategic direction and development of the enterprise's technological infrastructure and capabilities. These Objectives are closely aligned with the overall business strategy of the organization and play an important role in ensuring that the technology investments and Objectives effectively support and enable the achievement of broader business goals. Top-line Objectives are essential for setting a clear direction and eventually result in technology investments, project prioritization, and resource allocation. They provide a framework for aligning technology capabilities with strategic business priorities and ensuring that the enterprise architecture evolves in a manner that supports the organization's long-term success.
The Bottom Line: These Objectives focus on the direct financial impact and measurable results that the architecture Objectives are expected to deliver. They often translate the top-line Objectives into concrete, quantifiable targets that contribute to the organization's financial health and overall profitability. Bottom-line Objectives help to justify technology investments while ensuring enterprise architecture Objectives contribute directly to the organization's financial success. They provide a tangible measure of the value and effectiveness of the architecture strategy and enable organizations to make informed decisions about technology projects and programs based on their potential financial impact.
The Green-line: These Objectives in enterprise architecture refer to strategic efforts and actions that prioritize environmental sustainability and energy efficiency across the technological landscape of an organization. These Objectives aim to reduce the carbon footprint, optimize resource utilization, and promote eco-friendly practices and ideas through the design, implementation, and management of IT systems and infrastructure.
Using Tags in LeanIX : In LeanIX create a Tag Group - Objective Categorization. Use the Multiple mode because some Objectives could overlap & can be part of more than one type of categorization.
Create Tags (Top Line,Bottom Line, Green Line) in the above Tag Group.
We could use the Gartner Pace-layering approach for Objectives categorization. Gartner's Pace-layering was originally coined for application rationalizations and it is widely adopted in the EA world. However, same concept can be applied for LeanIX Objective classification or Business Capabilities classifications. We create following Tags for Objective classification.
In LeanIX create a Tag Group - Gartner PACE Layered Strategy
Create Tags (PACE Innovation,PACE Differentiation, PACE Commodity) in the above Tag Group.
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In the LeanIX Inventory create 3 new parent level Objective factsheets, Top Line, Bottom Line, Green Line
Now for each Objectives, create the Child objective factsheets. Add the PACE Layering Tagging & Categorization for each of the children factsheets
Relation Explorer would show something like this;
Objective Visualization via Report: In LeanIX create a New Landscape Report.
The resulting view shows the Objective Categorization and with the Pace-layering classification.