Saturday/Sunday Bible Study
The Abomination of Desolation Warning by Christ
When asked about the end of the world, Christ gave many signs like war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes, but these have existed for thousands of years. The most specific sign in Matthew 24 is “the abomination of desolation” that early believers understood as Rome. When Rome came with an army under Cestius in 66 AD, Christians took it as Christ’s sign to flee and they were spared the siege by Titus in 70 AD when mothers ate their babies.
We should wonder, why was Rome “the abomination of desolation”? Rome copied the history of Babylon that put three Hebrews into a fiery furnace for unwillingness to bow to an image that represented Babylon and its king in Daniel 3. Persecution desolates the faith of those whose experience has not matured to the point of dying for God.
Babylon’s history was copied by Rome--they threw early Christians to the lions. Daniel 7 represents governments as fierce beasts of prey. A lion, bear, leopard and dragon represented Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and Rome.
Rome is called Babylon in Revelation 17 for its confusion of systems of medicine, education, government and religion and it also has used force in compelling the consciences by Auto de Fe, Act of Faith in burning “heretics” at the stake during the Dark Ages when they had the support of kings to do so.
Half a dozen clues in Revelation 17 warn of the papacy also described in Daniel 7:7,8 as the “little horn” that grew out of the Roman Empire as it fell, further described in Daniel 7:20-27. The Protestant reformers were united in their belief that the papacy was that diverse little horn (different—it was a religious power) that persecuted saints.
The Gutenberg Press had movable type enabling the printing of Bibles. The Protestant Reformation was a “deadly wound” to the papacy, represented by the 1st beast in Revelation 13. The papal power was broken also as Napoleon took the pope prisoner in 1798 when America was emerging as a lamb-like beast in verse 11.
Two horns uncrowned as the previous papal beast supports Protestant America—a church without a pope and a nation without a king. “Lamb-like” (gentle and peace-loving) but it causes (nuclear) fire to come down from heaven. The US caused the world to make the UN, an image of the papacy because of so many Catholic member nations.
It is the UN that will compel false worship that no one can buy or sell without the mark of compliance (Rev 13:15)
Rome still wants supremacy. They signed a concordat with Hitler to make the world Catholic when he won WWII, so Catholic nations, Italy and Spain joined with Hitler, but they didn’t see US rescuing UK across the ocean.
But what did Christ mean when he said the abomination of desolation would stand in the holy place? The holy place in Jerusalem was where the law was kept in the ark of the temple. In 2015, Pope Francis came to where US laws are made—to Congress. His Laudato Si’ and his predecessor’s Dies Domini are encyclicals favoring a law to close businesses on Sunday so people can attend mass and the eucharist.
The pope’s appeal to Congress and a cluster of other 2015 signs were a 7-year warning like Joseph gave Pharaoh in Egypt. God judged Egypt for throwing babies in the river, but US has trashed 63 million babies.
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Egypt enslaved Israel and the US has most people in bondage to alcohol, tobacco and drugs—medical care is also bondage to MDs, tests and prescriptions that make medical care a leading cause of illness and death from adverse drug reactions. We should be able to think spiritually or abstractly to see the parallels for our time.
The UN is the pope’s road to supremacy. Trump was more interested in making America great, which is why big money and media went against him, but he may be back because in Bible times, horns were cut off and blown as a trumpet. The goat’s great horn may be the great Trump in Daniel 8:8 that makes the US great when the US flies from the west to stomp a militant Muslim ram (Daniel 8:17,20) after Muslims take Jerusalem in Zechariah 14:1,2.
With 61 attacks on US facilities in Syria and Iraq in the past month we should expect escalation of the war.
For more information, readers may visit for a 90-second video, and then a Spotlight TV interview with Richard Ruhling, author of How It All Ends! a book that’s also on Amazon.
About Dr. Richard Ruhling:
After Internal Medicine training and board certification, Ruhling had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure. Ruhling developed a Total Health Seminar to help people with positive lifestyle changes to avoid high-risk Rx drugs. At 82, Ruhling claims excellent health and may be contacted by corporations to cut their medical costs, or by churches, book clubs for speaking.
Richard Ruhling