The Secret to a Happy and Healthy Long Life.
There's an ongoing 75-year-old study being conducted by Harvard University where they followed men from their teenage years up to the present, most of whom are now in their nineties. This is perhaps the longest study of adult life ever done. Their conclusion was astounding.
💡 The secret to living a happy and healthy long life is in your relationships.
Whether rich or poor, successful or unsuccessful in life, they saw that people who have strong family and community support live longer and happier than their peers. In contrast, those who experienced big relationship strains, like a troubled marriage, got sick and died earlier.
There is healing power in your relationships.
When I was young, I often had asthma attacks.
Every time I'd have my "breathless" episodes, my parents would make me sleep with them. They'll give me extra care and feed me food that I like. My mom, who is a doctor, would take me to her clinic and I'd be just beside her all day. That would make me very happy. In a few days, I'd get better and stronger. When I grew up, I learned that frequent asthma attacks are rooted in a person's need for attention.
To give you a background, I belong to a big family of seven kids. In a way, we had to vie for our parents' attention. I was second to the last and I always felt the need to create ways to get my parents' attention.
I realize that getting sick had the benefit of getting the full attention of my parents and family. My sickness was actually a cry for help.
I got fully healed of asthma when I finally understood that my family loves me no matter what. My family's love and attention healed my inner wounds and longing.
Our environment shapes our body. Our environment is stronger than our willpower. The body will continue to heal itself, as long as you provide the environment for it to heal.
Sometimes it takes having a few family sessions and one-on-one mentoring for healing to take place. When forgiveness, understanding and trust abound in the family, the rate of recovery soars.
Here's what I discovered: Those who have strong family relationships weather the health crisis in a much better way. More than just overcoming the physical sickness, the family also emerges from the crisis stronger, happier and wiser. There is healing power in happy and healthy relationships. Good and strong relationships will keep you alive.
A Life of No Regrets
I was then in medical training doing rounds of my patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a well-known hospital. In one of the rooms was a patient who had been a long-term resident of the ICU. He had terminal prostate cancer and preferred to be kept there for close monitoring. He had been there for a few months and was just waiting for his time to go.
One night, I visited him and felt that he needed someone to talk to. So after checking him up, I sat down on a chair and lingered in silence. A few minutes later, he asked me to come closer.
He began to talk about his life, how rich, powerful and successful he had become in his lifetime. He also talked about how he got separated from his wife late in their marriage due to his affair with a young woman. His wife passed away four years ago due to breast cancer. Their kids were all grown up living abroad with their respective families. None of them came home to take care of him because they were angry at him for hurting their mom so much. He narrated to me the countless times he chose to advance in his work and career than to be at home with the family. He rarely went out for vacations. He stopped going to church ever since their marriage broke up. He said that he used to be happy at being on his own, but now, with the reality that he's alone and dying, his regrets in life were creeping in. He was afraid of dying alone.
How he wished that he could be with his family now, if only he had made the right choices in the past.
He then held my hand and said, "Son, you still have time. Pursue the things that matter most - your family."
He passed away the next day.
His story left an imprint on my heart. And from then on, I knew the secret to a happy and healthy life - my relationships.
My friend, you are not meant to be alone. The Bible says, "It is not good for man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him" (Genesis
2:18). I believe that we are surrounded by suitable companions that God sends our way. A good question to ask ourselves is, what kind of companions are we to others?
In relationships, we are called to love others. I encourage you to make the first move. Here's what I believe in: The starting point of loving others is you.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Our relationships with others are reflections of our relationship with our own self. If our heart is full of insecurity and anger, the state of our relationships will mirror our own heart.
Our relationships are a very powerful force. Just like fire, they can burn us out or they can fire us up. It can be a big gateway to healing or can make us sick.
Let me share with you some secrets to extraordinary relationships. Here are some EXT.R.A. tips that will help you have fantastic relationships with others.
🤗 Express
Discover how to make the other person feel most loved.
Dr. Gary Chapman observed the different ways that people express and receive love. In his research, he was able to identify five love languages that people generally use. These are Words, Touch, Gifts, Time and Service.
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There are tests you can find online to help you determine your primary love language, which is the way you feel most loved.
When you reach out and love someone, remember to practice the love languages. Try to identify the love languages of your parents, spouse, children and loved ones. (Better yet, make them take the test too!)
You can apply this knowledge also on your workmates, boss, staff and peers. Willfully reaching out to them using their love languages will do wonders on your relationship with them.
🌾 Extend
Learn to bend and extend. The bamboo tree is considered strong because it is flexible. It sways with the wind and is hard to break because of that quality. In our relationships, we don't always have to appear stiff and strong. We'll have less stress when we are flexible to the needs and peculiarities of others. We don't have to fret about our differences, but celebrate them instead.
For the sake of unity, harmony and love in your relationships, go the extra mile. Extend patience, trust and support to the people you love. It's better to be known as the loving one rather than the one who is always right.
Extend forgiveness to those who hurt you. Be the better person rather than the bitter one. You can be bigger than the situation when you don't let past hurts bog you down. Set yourself free by bestowing forgiveness upon those who hurt you.
One special note: I'm not talking about tolerating repeated physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse here. I'm talking about letting the small things remain small.
🕰️ Time
Close your eyes. In silence, I want you to imagine the faces of your loved ones. Think of the special people in your life: your parents, spouse, kids, family. Then look at your calendar. Look at your weekly and monthly schedule. How much time do you spend with them?
Are you happy with your relationships? If you want to be happier, spend more time with them.
Time is the most valuable commodity in this world today. Why? Because we are in an ultra-busy generation. We do so many things at the same time.
With social media and television running the world now, it's easy to miss out on the right things that we should be spending our precious time on.
📱 Respond
Every action has an opposite reaction. Let that reaction be love. I encourage you to respond differently, not indifferently. You can't control other people but you can control your reactions to them.
Most of the conflicts in relationships are caused by miscommunication. Has it happened that you didn't mean to hurt another person but you said or did something or failed to do something that hurt them? It's a case of misunderstanding the signals.
If we want to connect, we need to communicate effectively. Communication is perceived in various ways. What you say, or verbal communication, is only seven percent of what the receiver of your message perceives.
Thirty-eight percent is your tone of voice, or vocal communication, and 55 percent is your visual, or nonverbal cues. Our facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and all the nonverbal cues speak our message the most. With this knowledge, let's rethink the way we communicate.
Here's a simple trick that I do: Count One to Ten
Before I do something impulsive, before I talk back, before I reply to a difficult e-mail, I count one to ten. Believe me, this trick has saved me from countless regrets.
💙 Accept
Don't make it your goal for the world to love you, but for you to love the world.
Be accepting of others. Acknowledge that everybody is going through something, one way or another. For some, their stress and pain are obvious.
Others handle their distress discreetly and quietly. In my experience, when people feel accepted and not judged, they open up. Being accepting is like having the key to the locked heart of a person. It allows you to enter that person's world.
Let love, forbearance and understanding be our language. It's easier said than done, but we have to start somewhere. The home is a good place to start. We only have one father and one mother who bore us. Let's strive to love them for who they are, not just for what they have done to us. As they age, they will be weaker and feebler, and may need more attention from us, just like how patient and supportive they were when we were younger. It's how life goes.
Parents, your children are gifts from God. They will follow not what you say but what you do. May you lead a generation to have a receptive heart.
👉 A big part of your holistic healing is the healing of your relationships.
The more you forgive, the more inner healing you receive.
The more you let go of the toxic emotions, the more you gain your health back.
Thanks for the great insights. I've also found practical value in this: