I'm not going to jump in technical details or explain what did happen. Shit happens!
All that i have to say is, trusting the people you work with, and remembering that they are humans, so mistakes happen, is the key.
It will spare to all, a lot of time by discussing the issue and finding a solution rather starting shouting and making everyone pissed.
Shotting with a Canon 5D Mark III and a BlackMagic Design Production Camera, the footage had so much difference on which later i had a precious help in Grading, from my old friend Apple's Color. The videos were edited on FCP7.
The green tinted footage was recorded by the BlackMagic Design Production Camera. The Canon 5D Mark III footage was fine. Later we did found and fixed the problem on the BMDPC.
This video is a part of 12, introducing the Portuguese songs and singers competing for the Eurovision Song Contest final,
Results are given by people, machines only help them.
Trust is the key.
By the way, the winner was Leonor Andrade.
Good Luck Leonor!!!