Should Australia change its name?
I am here in Africa, and I introduce myself as an Australian. After a few days I ask people if they know where Australia is? If people believe they know, 9 out of 10 say near Germany
I know there are many jokes about kangaroos in Austria etc. But is it time for Australia to change its name? The argument that Australia was named by Matthew Flinders as a variation of the Latin: 'Terra Australis' is perfectly valid. However isn't it time that we had a name which clearly differentiated us from Australia, woops I meant Austria.
I don't think the Austrians would particularly like it if we told them we had first dibs because Terra Australia existed on ancient maps long before Austria.
What I find concerning is how many medals Australia wins at the Olympics/ Commonwealth Games etc., and Austria is getting the credit.
And while I am on the topic, if we say look at the above map, clearly the great south land is Antarctica, not Australia (Antarctica is twice the and size of Australia).
Finally on the subject of distinctions can anyone easily tell the difference between the New Zealand flag and the Australian flag. There are historic reasons for the similarity, as New Zealand toyed with the idea of being part of Austria, woops I meant Australia - but I think we now have to presume that is never going to happen.
advontier. | chief innovation officer
2yI’d say 9/10 people can point out Australia on a map vs the few that’s 100% sure where Austria sits 😄