A shrinkage repair requires to be repaired with either epoxy mortar or cement mortar. While usage of sealants is Not right in such application.
Generally epoxy mortars can be used for shrinkage repair that is on the top side of the bridge deck. Since epoxy is compatible with the waterproofing the going to come on top or the asphalt.
While cement mortars can be used for other areas, such as the bottom side and the sides, since the cement is compatible with the protective coatings that will come on top of it such as acrylic based materials.
QA/QC Manager - ISO 9001:2015 QMS Auditor, CQI - IRCA
4yDear it is not hard and fast rule to use epoxy based mortar at bridge deck. If comparability is the issue then surface can be grinded. Further, it is not necessary that epoxy base mortar is compatible with waterproofing. Therefore, cement mortar can also be used at bridge deck depends upon the type of waterproofing.