Simple Python Library for Azure Media Services REST API

Simple Python Library for Azure Media Services REST API

The AMS Py is a library to provide a simple Azure Media Services REST interface for python. This is a personal project and NOT an official implementation of the Azure Media Services SDK for python.

The only purpose of this library is for educational purposes, so people can have an easy way to understand how to interact with cloud REST APIs, and learn from the examples provided in this module as well as the debug information available in the logs.

Any feedback, comments or bugs, please send directly to the module owner, and go to if you are looking for official Microsoft Azure SDKs.

Using AMSPy

Example (Listing Media Assets):

import os
import json
import amspy

# Load Azure app defaults
        with open('config.json') as configFile:
                configData = json.load(configFile)
except FileNotFoundError:
        print("ERROR: Expecting config.json in current folder")

account_name = configData['accountName']
account_key = configData['accountKey']

# Get the access token...
response = amspy.get_access_token(account_name, account_key)
resjson = response.json()
access_token = resjson["access_token"]

### list media assets
response = amspy.list_media_asset(access_token)
if (response.status_code == 200):
        resjson = response.json()
        print("POST Status.............................: " + str(response.status_code))
        for ma in resjson['d']['results']:
                print("Media Asset Name........................: " + ma['Id'])
                print("Media Asset Id..........................: " + ma['Name'])
        print("GET Status: " + str(response.status_code) + " ERROR:" + str(response.content))

A detailed set of amspy programming examples can be found here:

 AMSPy Python library programming examples.


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