Some of My Memories of Late Prof. Shamnad Basheer
May 14 is the birth anniversary of late Prof. Shamnad Basheer. I don't think there was a bigger influence in my career than him. I was lucky to have watched him and worked with him up close at NUJS. Here are some memories:
1. My first memory is of him at a conference. He was a star speaker. He ripped apart a few foreign "experts". He didn't hold back. I was mesmerized.
2. Second memory: I had written him an email asking for advice on IPR careers. He called him to his chamber.
His office had a bicycle (never saw that in any other professor's room).
His room smelt of Bamboo and some cool incense (never smelt that in a professor's room either). He seemed quirky. He seemed someone we could aspire to be like.
3. Third memory: We went to Pelling in Sikkim for IDIA's first pilot project. I worked closely with him there. He was fun. He made deep connections with people in an instant. I have never ever seen anyone do that.
4. Fourth memory: As luck would have it, we were at Agamishala together. He had gotten very weak and being his ex-student I got him dinner. His last two pieces of advice still ring in my ear:
Him: So are you dating anyone?
Me: Yes, sir. But I start thinking logically and...
Him: Tanuj, YOU HAVE LOST IT! Love and logic don't mix. Love is one of the few forces which helps us transcend the limits of logic.
Me: Sir, how do you still have so much energy?
Him: Tanuj, I am not my body. I am not my body.
Assistant Manager
3yI had the fortune to attend one of his last conferences in the year 2019 while pursuing LL.M. at ILI.
Founder and Chairperson, Past Secretary: APAA ( INDIAN GROUP), AIPPI, FICPI, (Council Member FICPI INDIA), AIPLA, Ex-Partner and Head of Designs Department Anand and Anand, WICCI Member, IP Practitioner of the year
3yEvergreen cherishable memories of the young lad. Reaching out to everyone was in his blood that worked magic
Entertainment lawyer
3yHis memory lingers on ... lovely write-up Tanuj! 🙏
Shaping ethical leadership & thriving workplace cultures: PoSH, DEIB, Anti-Bribery (FCPA, UKBA & PCA), Data Protection, Prevention of Insider Trading, Code of Conduct, and Leadership Development.
3yLove & Logic don't mix. :) Only Shamnad could have made a quirky and unforgettable comment like that. A one in a million soul. We will all miss him much. Thank you for sharing, Tanuj. Lovely piece.
Dean, School of Law, Sharda University, Critical Thinker, Law school builder
3yA legend and a good friend of mine....always honest to the core and full of thoughts that are innovative and different. I really miss him