Soul Purpose Empowerment
Have you experienced a profound transformation and want to help others grow?
That's how I got into personal development.
I grew up being a sensitive, caring, good boy who tried not to be a burden, do the right thing, help, and make my parents happy.
I tried to make my parents, friends, wife and everyone happy for many years.
There was only one problem with this... I wasn't happy.
It took a severe case of Chronic Fatigue and a lot of personal growth to realise that rather than trying to make everyone else happy, I needed to start living my life: listening to and following my heart.
This led me to end my athletic career, stop working as an Architect, get divorced and begin working as a Breathworker.
That was over 30 years ago…
Today I live a truly blessed life.
I have self-love, a passionate, loving marriage, confident sons (young adults now), a fit and healthy body. I am doing what I love, living in the forest at our retreat centre, helping to make the World a better place.
Just last week, I received this note:
"Hi Nicholas, I'm fortunate enough to have experienced your training in breathwork meditation and emotional intelligence in 1999 when my Younger sister had cancer: to say that you changed my life would be an understatement: I feel truly blessed to have been a part of your training, and there is not a day that passes were those skills, and that level of understanding isn't appreciated: I find yourself educating and motivating so many people now, I'm now ready for education and a higher level of understanding so I can become a true leader. Thank you!"
Nicholas Miccalizzi
How did I get here?
To find and live the life I am here to live meant letting go of looking for acceptance and approval from others and building up my source of love, acceptance and approval from within.
I had to go on my inner healing journey, clear out the emotional sludge that covered my heart and come home to the peace, happiness, love and contentment that lies within.
You are part of life, part of creation unfolding.
You are here on earth to evolve your souls and advance the evolution of the collective consciousness of humanity.
When you listen to and follow your heart (live your truth), you honor yourself and the people in your life.
When you are true to yourself, you cannot be false to anyone.
We are each here on earth for a purpose.
Playing small, hiding, not living and speaking your truth (with an open heart) is ripping everyone else off.
Not living and speaking your truth prolongs my suffering by allowing things that need to change not to happen.
Marianne Williamson has a great line in a verse that goes like this:
"Your playing small does not serve anyone."
Do you feel a calling to step up and live your truth?
Do you want to make a more significant difference here on earth?
Are you ready?
Is 2023 going to be your year to shine your Light?
Well, if so, then I'd like to invite you to join me Thursday evening for our
It's for those who want to expand beyond their learned skills and help others create deep life transformations.
This workshop will help you identify and clear the blocks stopping you from stepping up and becoming a transformational leader.
It will help you gain clarity, energy and enthusiasm to make a unique difference in the World you are here to make.
At this fun, inspiring and transformational workshop, you will…
1. Understand what a Soul's Purpose is and how to find yours.
2. Identify the blocks holding you back from living your soul's purpose.
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3. Experience a Core Clearing Breathwork Meditation to identify and clear the subconscious blocks holding you back so you can step up and move forward in your life.
4. Discover the 3 Essential Pillars to becoming a successful heart-based Breathwork Coach.
5. Discover how easy it is to become a Core Clearing Breathwork Coach and create a thriving Breathwork business
The workshop will be held online (Zoom) this Thursday at 7:30-9:00 pm, March 23rd, 2023
It's going to be a heartfelt, rich and rewarding experience.
By the way...
My Soul's Purpose is to train Breathwork Coaches to help their clients clear the blocks that stop them from living their soul's purpose 🙂
Come and join me, and let me show you how to be at your best and live the life you are here to live.
To attend (it's free) click here to register:
I look forward to seeing you there 🙂
Kind Regards,
Here's Marianne Williamson's entire verse...
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond all measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God.
You're playing small does not serve the World.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Life is short and time is precious.
Now is the time for you to step up and play a bigger game.
The world needs YOU!
Click here:
Wishing you peace, love and happiness
Nicholas de Castella
Master Breathwork Practitioner & Trainer
25+ years, 10,000+ sessions
Australian Breathwork College
T: 613 9739 889