SQ in Action


I’m going to talk to you today about Spiritual Intelligence which I call SQ. Our SQ is our ability to have a sense of meaning and purpose about our lives and our actions. And ideally we will come to have this sense of meaning and purpose at every moment in our lives and even in the smallest of our actions. This will raise our lives to a higher level and make us more meaningful to ourselves and to others. As I talk about Spiritual Intelligence I want to emphasise something to you and I want you to remember it as you listen to my talk this morning.

The Chinese have a saying: “One should be sagely on the inside and kingly on the outside”. The thought behind that saying is that we enrich ourselves, we make ourselves better people, deeper people, more learned people, not just for our own sake but we take that deeper self into the world of action. With what we do in life in our relationships, in our careers, in our works, and our daily activities as these impinge on other people, we are bringing more to other people and to society because we are deeper, richer people. Keeping this thought in mind helps us overcome the Western tendency to think that everything is about me, that I do things to make myself better for me. It also emphasizes that it is not enough to dwell just on our own spiritual development, and feel good about that. We must then translate that greater inner develop into positive action in the world. SQ is a kind of intelligence with which we serve ourselves in order to serve others. To be a richer part of the whole.

All of my work including my work on Spiritual Intelligence comes from the deep passion that I have felt for Quantum Physics since I was a young teenager. I discovered the atom when I was 13 and then Quantum Physics itself when I was 15. And to me it was more than just science, more than just physics. It offered me a new way to look at myself and everything else. It gave me a new understanding of what I wanted my life to be about. And therefore, to property understand SQ, you must understand it within the context of the Quantum world view. Thus,  as I talk about SQ, I will talk about the Quantum principles to which it relates.

 Quantum Physics has changed, I believe, the way we think about absolutely everything. The nature of our bodies, the nature of society, the nature of our work, the nature of our leadership. The whole western mindset these last 300 years, was determined by a worldview given to people by Newtonian physics, seventeenth century physics. And those of you who know nothing about physics, who never studied it, never think about it, have, nonetheless, embraced it by the world view that came from that physics. And the argument of my work, the purpose of my whole life’s work is to say: Quantum Physics gave us a new Physics. It gave us a new world view, it gave us a new way of understanding everything. And therefore, if you go out of here today and never read more of Quantum Physics, never study Quantum Physics, I’m hoping that I can give you a Quantum way of thinking about yourself, your life and your relation to and responsibility towards others and towards our society.

 I have outlined 12 principles of Spiritual Intelligence. These are the defining principles that give us a pathway to developing and celebrating our SQ. I did not pick these principles just out of my imagination. They are the conscious human equivalents of the defining principles of living quantum systems. Complexity science tells us that all living systems are what Complexity theory calls Complex Adaptive Systems. Every living thing, from the smallest bacterium to ourselves, is a complex adaptive system, a living quantum system. And complexity scientists now tell us that all our human social systems, our organizations, our companies, our societies, work most effectively if they too, are managed as Complex Adaptive Systems.

So the 12 principles of SQ that I’m going to outline are derived directly from the 12 defining qualities of Complex Adaptive Systems or living Quantum Systems.

The first of these principles is to cultivate self awareness. Each morning and at different times of the day when you are interacting with others or when you are sitting alone by yourself and just reflecting, you might use the meditation practice that comes to us from Asia, from Buddhism and Hinduism. In this practice you say: Who is it that is acting? Who is it that is willing? Who is it that is thinking? Who am I? What makes me me? What are my strenghts and what are my weaknesses? What do I have as qualities that can contribute something to others and to society? And when I’m interacting with others, I have an affect on them. As I am a member of society I have an affect on society. I am a cell in a larger system. And therefore it is important to know who I am. To reflect a bit each day. What affect did I have in that conversation I had with a friend or a colleague at work today? How did I impact on them? Was it positive or negative? And how can I do better tomorrow? The principle of self-awareness means that we lead lives of constant reflection. And that takes some time at the end of each day to sit and reflect on our day. What happened today? What did I feel? What did I make others feel? What could I have done better? What mistakes did I make that it could correct tomorrow? This will help us learn both about ourselves and about how we impact on others.

 The second principle of spiritual intelligence is to be vision and value lead as we act towards others and within the world and within society. What are my values? What is my purpose? What is the vision I have for the kind of life I want to lead and the contribution I want to make? Each of us does have a life purpose and the secret of the meaning for life is to discover what that purpose is. What am I about? What is my life about? What is it that I can contribute to others and to society? And into every small action throughout each day to have that vision and that purpose in mind and be putting it into action. To make my own life more meaningful and to bring more meaning and sense of purpose to others.

The third principle of SQ is to be spontaneous. From the moment we are born until the day that we die we are constantly wiring our brain. Our brains are plastic. We can change the wiring in them from one day to the next. But the brain likes repetition. The brain likes familiarity, the brain likes patterns. And so it is very easy to get stuck in a way of thinking, a way of acting, a way of responding to others. That’s not spontaneous. That’s acting from the baggage that we carry. And when we are carrying a lot of baggage, we are not responsive to the moment that we are living in now. We are not responsive to the person we are talking to now. We are not responsive to the problems that arise in the situation we are dealing with now. The brain has a tendency to say: Well, it worked yesterday so it will work today. I’ve solved the problem this way yesterday so that’s how I will solve today’s problems. That is not being spontaneous. That is not being responsive. To act spontaneously is to come to life every moment with the eyes of a child. To be fresh and filled with awe and wonder and surprise about what’s infront of me right now. Quantum Systems are spontaneous. They don’t behave according to the deterministic laws. Quantum Systems are not predictable. They respond to the environment they are in from moment to moment. So if we are going to be quantum persons, spiritually intelligent persons, we too, will learn to live in the moment. And again there are practices that you can learn to help you to do that. To drop the baggage and be here now, in this moment.

 The fourth principle of Spiritual Intelligence or Quantum Intelligence is to be holistic. To be part of everything that surrounds us, to be part of the context, part of the wider environment. The thing that is different about Quantum Physics from Newtonian physics is that Newtonian systems are isolated. According to Newtonian thinking you and I are each just a atomistic individuals, isolated in space and time. And the scientific method taught by Newtonian science is that if you want to know a system, you isolate it and you break it down into more simple parts. That’s how a Newtonian scientist works. Quantum science turns all that on its head. It says that we are always part of a larger whole. We are always part of what surrounds us. What surrounds us is impacting on us at every moment and what we are doing is impacting on our surroundings. We are not isolated atoms in the emptyness of space and time. We are contextual, relational beings at every moment,in relationship to others and to our surroundings. And therefore, when we think about a problem we need to solve, we must think what are all of the things that bear on this problem. If we want to understand the situation we are in, we think what are all of the things that are making this situation, what it is right now. And when we are in social company we think at every moment: How am I affecting others and how are others  affecting me? We are never alone. We are never isolated. The Newtonian world is a very lonely one. And Western people tend to be very lonely. We talked today about alienation and being separated. If we feel part of the whole we are never lonely. And we are never separate.

The fifth principle of Spiritual Intelligence is Field Independence. Knowing what I stand for and standing by it; having my own point of view. Now, this may seem strange because I said we are always part of the whole; but in some ways being part of the whole can have a bad effect. If we just do what others do, think what others think, allow ourselves to be swayed by what group think is, by the trend of thinking, if we go along with the crowd that is not good. That is not being Field Independent. The spiritually intelligent person knows where he stands, knows what he believes in, knows what he values, knows what he is willing to fight for. In the most extreme circumstances even knows what he is willing to die for. So even though we are always part of the whole, even though we are always being influenced from the whole, it is important that we stand back and say: This is what others believe but, what do I believe? This is how others act but, how do I think that I should act? Quantum Systems are both wave like and particle like. Waves interact with each other, they overlap, they combine, they flow into each other. That is the holistic side of our being. But Quantum System also manifest as particles, as individuals. It is as individuals that we are points of action in the system. So the spiritually intelligent person needs to develop his own individual point of view, have his own individual principles and stand by them as well as being part of the group and part of the whole. To be wave like and particle like at the same time.

 The six principle of Spiritual Intelligence is humility. Humility reminds us that if we only listen to our own point of view, if we only stick by our own principle without questioning ourselves, we can become a fanatic, a zealot, a jihadi. We can become a bully or a proselitizer. We stop listening to other people, we stop questioning ourselves. The humble person always says before acting on his own principles: Could I be wrong? Could there be a different way of looking at this? Could the others be right? And then, after this rigourous self questioning, I conclude still no. This is what I believe. This is what I think is right. This is where I stand. I act on my individual principles. Even though it may make me unpopular. Even though the crowd made shun me, send me away, send me into exile. I will bear any cost to do what I think is right but only after I have humbly said: Could I be wrong? Could they be right? Each of us is like a cell in the body. Cells in the body that forget the part of a whole and grow too quickly are cancerous cells. And they destroy the whole system. If I am arrogant, if I think that I am the best, that I am the one who is always right, I will be like a cancer cell in the body. So I must always be humble. Proud of my achievements but not bragging about them. Certain of my point of view but always questioning myself.

 The seventh principle of spiritual intelligence is an ability to re-frame. Reframe means changing the frame that is around the picture. Changing my point of view, questioning my assumptions, changing my way of doing things, seeing that there is another way, seeing that there might be a better way. Quantum Systems reframe all the time. Quantum Systems are always looking to the environment and saying: Is this the right path to be on in this energy system? In this environment? That’s why they have to be spontaneous. So when we are in a situation and have to make a decision, when we are facing a problem that we have to solve, to stop ourselves going back on the baggage of the past, we have to challenge our assumptions. We have to say to ourselves: This is how I did it yesterday but is that the right way to do it now? This is how I saw other people yesterday, but do I possibly have a fresh point of view today? What were my assumptions? What am I taking for granted? And then question that. Constantly say to myself: Could I be wrong? Could it be different? Is there a better way? That is acting from spontaneity and being responsive to the situation. Because we can rewire our brains, because we are never necessarily stuck being who we are and what we have thought. We can always reframe. And by reframing we stay fresh, we stay relevant.

The eighth principle of Spiritual Intelligence is to ask deep questions. One of the main discoveries of Quantum Physics is Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle which effectively tells me the questions I ask give me are the answers that I get. If I ask a different question I will get a different answer. The quantum realm is a realm of infinite potentiality. Infinite possibility. Infinite knowledge, an infinite sea of truth. And when I ask a question it’s like dropping a bucket into that sea of truth and bringing up an answer. So I’m must always wonder as I go about my day, why do things work as they do? Why is my boss telling me to do what he has commanded me to do? Why am I responding to something that someone else said in the way that I have? We are surrounded by an enviroment. What make the plants grow? What makes the rose in my garden so beautiful? What makes my television work? What effect does being online several hours a day have on me? The questions we can ask are infinite. Any answer that we get is finite and the spiritually intelligent person wants to live the infinite life. We can never know all of truth, we can never realise all possibilities. We can never be all that we might have been. But the more we question, the more questions we ask, the more paths we will follow in life, the more possibilities we will realise, the more truth we will come to know. So always question everything and especially remember to question yourself.

The nineth principle of spiritual intelligence is the celebration of diversity. I have just said that the quantum realm is an infinte realm. There is so much to know, so much to learn, so much to do, so much to see, so many places to go; and the principle of celebration of diversity is to seize as many of those opportunities as possible. Become a person of many books. Become a person of many films; become a person of many travels; become a person of many experiences; become a person who knows many different kinds of people, person who doesn’t just have friends of just one kind, who doesn’t just stay with the familiar and the comfortable. But rather someone who is an adventurer in life, who wants to know what is beyond the horizon, who wants to taste all of life’s diversity. To know as many possibilities as I can and to become in my one life as many of the potential people that I can be.

The tenth principle of Spiritual Intelligence is to make a positive use of adversity. To have resilience. All of you here at this conference this morning are old enough to have learnt that life is not a big picnic. Life challenges us, life tests us, life can depress us. We can become downhearted. We can loose faith. We can say: It’s just impossible. But the positive use of adversity is to say: In every setback, in every mistake, in every bad thing that has happened to me, there is an opportunity, there is a chance here to start again. To learn differently. To do differently. To be reborn. No matter how bad the mistake we have made, we can correct that mistake and learn from it. No matter how bad the situation we are in, it can be our teacher and we can learn from it. We can bounce back. The spiritually intelligent person never gives way to defeat. Living organisms, as we know,have mutations. The body’s cells are constantly mutating, just as this dreadful Covid 19 virus is constantly mutating. But mutations are how life evolves.  Mutations can be mistakes. And then we don’t choose them. The body’s system rejects the mistakes. It tries to heal the cancerous cells. But the mutations that are good give us opportunities to go forward in a new way. Mistakes and setbacks and bad situations are like mutations in our life path. If they are bad we overcome them and we heal ourselves. But we also sieze the opportunity they may offer. So the spiritually intelligent person never gives up, is never defeated, never fails to bounce back.

The eleventh principle of spiritual intelligence is compassion. Compassion comes from the Latin word that means “to be with”. All of the Eastern philosophies, and indeed Jesus tell us  to love others as we love ourselves. To do unto others as we would have others do onto us. Feeling compassion for other people, for their failings, for their weaknesses, for their mistakes, forgiving people, letting go of the anger that we have felt, is spiritually intelligent behaviour. We have a tendency to judge other people, to judge situations, to say: That’s not good. She is not a good person. I don’t like that. I dont like the way that she or he behaves and to walk away from such people. Americans have a tendency to look at poor people and say: Well, there must be some something wrong with them because if they just tried, if they did the right things in life, they wouldn’t be poor. So American society tends to be very judgemental and very lacking in compassion. The Quantum Society is a compassionate society. And the quantum spiritually intelligent person is a compassionate person.  I feel your suffering, I feel what has made you weak in this situation. I feel why you have got into a bad situation and I feel the suffering you endure because of it. And I want to extend my understanding and where possible, my help. I too, have had set setbacks; I too, have had bad situations; I too, have made mistakes, and therefore I don’t judge you. Please accept me as I accept you. This mutual acceptance, this mutual help is what makes this wretched business of life possible for us all. We could not live our lives alone. We can’t solve our problems alone. Each of us, at some time in our lives, needs a helping hand from others. And each of us, whenever we have the opportunity, should extend a helping hand to others. And don’t forget to have a bit of compassion for ourselves. Sometimes the person we judge most harshly is ourself. Sometimes we think: I’ve been a bad person. We are filled with guilt, we are filled with remorse, we are filled with shame. Well, shame is a good thing to feel when we have done something wrong. It’s a sign of humility. It’s a sign that we aren’t just arrogantly doing anything. But it is not good to be overcome by shame or by guilt. Rather to feel that twinge of shame or guilt and say: How can I be better next time. So we must have compassion both for ourselves and for others.

 The twelveth and final principle of spiritual intelligence is to have a sense of vocation. Vocation comes from the Latin word “vocare”. To be called. To have a meaningful life, to have a spiritually intelligent life means to have a life where I feel I’m called to do what I’m doing. I am called to have the career that I have. I am called to raise my children with wisdom, love, compassion. I am called to do my job well. I am called to fullfil my purpose in life - which comes back to being called to find the purpose that each of us does indeed have. If we feel this sense of calling, then even the most meager job, the most tiny career can give us a sense of meaning and purpose. We can feel called to make life better for others; to make life good for a husband or wife or our children. To feel called is to feel called to be part of that larger whole. To be called to serve and to ask: How can I make my life be a life of service?

 Those are the twelve principles, and I invite you as you think about them to adopt them as practices. Each principle is a practice or a set of practices. You can think of your life  in three different ways.

You can think of your life as a journey. All the adventures you’re going to have, all of the things that you’re going to learn, all of the sites that are going to see, all the travels that you are going to do, and think how that adds up to the puzzle that is you. The journey that you have taken with your life.

But you can also think of your life as a battle. Life throws us many curve balls, life can suck at times. Life can make us feel beaten at times. When we feel down, when we get those curve balls, they are battles we must fight. They are battles sometimes must fight within ourselves; not always battles with others or battles with situations. So thinking of my life as a battle is thinking of the strengths I must cultivate, the wisdom I must cultivate to fight for what I feel is right in life. Fight for what I want those I love to have. To have a kind of life that I want to have.

And finally, I can think of my life as my prayer. From a quantum world view, prayers aren’t something that we go to church and say: Please God give me. Please God make me well. Please God make me rich. That’s not true prayer. Prayer is saying to myself: What can I give? Who can I help? What can I serve? What has my being in this world meant? What difference have I made? What footprints on the sands of time will be left? What is my legacy? That is seeing my life as my prayer. It is what I give, what I serve. The difference that I have made.

 A lot of what I’ ve talked today in about questions. To celebrate diversity we must question: What more there is to see? What more there is to do? To reframe we must question our assumptions. To discover new truths and new possibilities we must ask questions. So I want to leave you with my favourite poem. It’s by Rainer Marie Rilke, Germany’s greatest poet of the 20th century and the poem is “Live the Questions”:


“I want to beg you as much as I can, to be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and to learn to love the questions themselves. Like locked rooms or like books that are written in a  foreign language. Do not seek the answers that cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them, and the point is to live everything. Therefore live the questions now. Perhaps then you will,  gradually, one day without noticing it, live into the answer”.

Emanuel Silveira

CEO Brazil & Partner at Telos Transition | C-Level Interim Management


Danah Zohar, what great inspiration you are, indeed. Thanks for sharing!

Marcia G.

Teacher Trainer/ Palestrante, Gestora educacional, | Evangelizadora, educadora


You are my inspiration in all my classes, lectures and mainly on the jobs that I take as a volunteer

Sari Ajanko

Leadership & Executive & Team Coach (PCC), Associate Right Use of Power Facilitator and Board Member, Global Leadership Foundation Fellow, CEO at Diversitas Oy


I so enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing, Danah! ❤️

Peter AW Javor

The Water from Rain | Gold Water | Tradition | Science | Policy | Reserach | Circular economy | Conscious hydration


Homo Uranus … thanks for sharing Professor

Sara Boonman

Systemisch organisatieadviseur - Organisatie/familie-opsteller


What the world needs now


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