The Standard for Large Language AI Models Will Be Raised Via a New Benchmark
Greetings! I just wanted to share something new I learned over the weekend. There is a new standard in the works for large language AI models: the Beyond the Imitation Game benchmark (BIG-bench). As I understand it, this benchmark covers tasks that people excel at, but which current state-of-the-art models fail to achieve. It was developed by researchers from 132 universities across the globe.
The approach and methodology of BIG-bench are quite unique: The authors chose more than 200 challenges based on ten criteria, including that they had to be "not solvable by memorizing the internet," understandable to humans, and not solvable by current language models. Many of them include solving unusual puzzles
There were two key findings out of the challenges:
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Why are the researchers and other AI authorities considering these findings important? The designers of BIG-bench contend that benchmarks like SuperGLUE, SQuAD2.0, and GSM8K concentrate on certain talents (I must admit, all these benchmarks are super interesting!). However, the most recent language models exhibit unexpected skills like being able to solve straightforward math problems after pretraining on massive datasets downloaded from the internet. Researchers now have new tools to monitor these emerging abilities as models, data, and training approaches change thanks to BIG-bench's variety of few-shot tasks.
In closing, the hope is that BIG-bench may encourage academics to create algorithms that support complicated kinds of reasoning