I do not have much to say right now, but am here to tell you what I will always say. When are you going to showcase your uniqueness? When will you let the world know the true you? You can’t continue this way, you just have to spot this thing within you, stir yourself up and choose the path you were destined to make.
If you will need to cry out for help from the giver of this purpose, you had better start now. For how long do you wish to stay mute? For how long will you allow yourself feel insignificant? But you see great and successful people around? You hear about them and wonder why the world recognizes them. You can also be among them, you can make that list also, just believe you can. Search within your heart now, you have that something deposited in you. For the gift of a man makes a way for him, and you possess it.
A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives. A purposeless life is a living death. For purpose brings passion. And then, what are you passionate about? What is that something that triggers you to become your best. Search for it and when you do, never let it go, build on it.
Ajayi Olubiyi