Stanley Tsiamoulis (STAN LEE) Explains May & June 2021 With The ESP Code Numerology!
Zeneth Culture: The ESP Code Numerology with STAN LEE show
~ Your Numbers Your Journey!
Learn > Live > Love: Your Essence | Soul | Purpose (ESP)
Greetings once again my fellow cosmic wisdom seekers and readers!
As I write this article today, Sunday 18th April 2021, at 230 PM AEST, of approximately 1,200 words from a local cafe here in Sydney, Australia. In the next 1 and half hour or so I will endeavour to enlighten some pearls of wisdom. I will also draw 3 cards in my Learn, Live and Love. Your ESP Code card reading. Whilst I channel some answers and at the same time have my fellow coffee/tea drinkers look at me whilst I shuffle the cards :)
2021 is moving fast. 2021 = 5 = speed = 5G = 5D = travel = physical and astral travel.
May is a 5 month. Thus double the speed. June is a 6 month thus networking, responsibility and the empath. However, the key is to understand how these numbers relate to you as the individual with your first number in The ESP Code being your Identity number.
We are in the eye of the storm. Humanity is choosing consciously to look within. You are all here for a reason. This is why I am on the radio and soon TV to help, guide, and advice you how to calibrate and mathematically realign your ESP Code.
I urge you all to ask the first question Why Are You Here? This is the first phase of Learn Your ESP. Learn your four numbered ESP Code sequence.
As I draw a card in the ESP Code card spread reading. Learn Your ESP. The card I have drawn is 28 [the warrior]. Humans have to make the effort to become spiritual warriors. As humanity is in a spiritual battle of light versus dark souls. To help you the discovery of your ESP Code is the key!
I have the ability to decipher movies. An example is the Hollywood movie of Superman~ Man of Steel (2013). As I write this I am creating a storyline of this and it will be published on my website in the next few days.
There are symbols, signs and synchronicities in all aspects of your life. When you tap into the ability to create a bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind and bypass the hippocampus in the brain. Then my comic friends miracles happen and The Law of Attraction becomes a science + spirituality machine. Beyond anything you could ever imagine.
What I mean is you are creating an etheric connection between the mind and brain. As I have explained before. The brain is like the car and the mind is you steering the car. You have free will to steer how you manoeuvre your car. Let that sink in. You can create your reality in the NOW by knowing Your Numbers Your Journey.
This leads to the second phase of Live Your ESP. Hence the second question, What Are You Doing Now? meaning Your Numbers Your Journey. The second card I have drawn is 8 [work]. You are all individuals and your soul yearns you to mould your own Picasso. When you are in sync with your bio-rhythms, that is your wavelengths. You can begin to recalibrate your jig-saw puzzle step by step to create the life your soul is here to do.
Creativity = Happiness. When you’re happy you add value by default. It is like playing a game and you create your rules and bend reality according to your soul. This is why your INTENTION is very, very important. We all have cycles in life and bumps along the road. When you can maintain the course along your journey and steer the car with your mind whilst at all times having the intention being pure. Then your light will amplify and your guardians, guides and angels will match you and help you.
However, my cosmic friends you must be willing to do the spiritual work. You have free will and how you steer your intention is ultimately up to your karmic records. You know deep down what is good and bad. And in that moment when you take the leap of faith and steer intention towards purity. You also begin to shift your karmic records. You can ascend as high as you like in this life-time. This is a beautiful thing. No one can stop your level of ascension. Is it up to you.
The third and last phase and hence question to ask yourself is Love Your ESP. How Will You Get There? Meaning Elevate Collaborate. The third card I have drawn is 30 [the stranger]. This means that when you have accessed your code [Learn Your ESP] and you are now realigning with your numbers and living in the now [Live Your ESP]. The SSS begins to amplify. [Simplicity > Speedy > Synchronicity]
Your vibration and frequency is shifting higher and you begin to transmit and receive information tuning into your own radio station if you will. This antenna like connection is the bridge if you will connecting the subconscious with the conscious mind. And if you recall the subconscious mind is at least 10,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. Thus taking you towards a limitless potential.
Hence the stranger will show in synchronicities via meeting new people that would like to collaborate with you. The importance is humans must first take the steps to Elevate to then allow the collaboration. If you reverse the order and collaborate then elevate., what will happen is your energy will reduce if the other person is not working on their own ascension. Remember, everyone has free-will to work on their spirituality.
Thus, the importance of also knowing how your energies profile with other people. Sometimes a connection between two people or three people (in triangulation) will vary amongst each other according to the ESP Code profile synergy.
30 [the stranger], card, is also your higher-self communicating with you via synchronicities, your guardian angels, and guides that have always been there for you. They will help you to fulfil your purpose and hence [Love Your ESP]
I recently, published a page on my website called Magic Is Energy. It is on the footer of my website with a pulsating feature. Do take the time to read this page if you can.
Magic Is Energy: Energy Is In The Ether. Energy Will Show Itself Via Synchronicity!
This Has Nothing To Do With White or Black Magic! Or Any Other Type of Colour Magic!
Your Higher Self Communicates With You All The Time.
Connecting The Bridge Between The Ether & You Is The Key To Magic.
That's Why Your INTENTION Is Very Important!
As my numbers are master numbers 11, 22 and 33. This means simply my higher-self numbers are (vision, action and guidance). When you add these numbers you get 11 + 22 + 33 = 66.
You may also notice in today’s 3 card spread of The ESP Code card read (28 + 8 + 30) = 66.
This is simply a synchronicity. You have these messages giving us a little nudge in the right direction. Discerning these messages is also very important.
As my first number is a number 2. And today is the 18th for me. This is 18 + 2 = 20. Narrowed down to a single digit this is 2 + 0 = 2. Hence, I am running a 2 day, today. This equals to writing in stories if you will (copywriting). Hence the decision I made to write this article today.
And for me in April as it is a number 4. With my identity number (2) = Means I am running a 6 month, Hence responsibility and empath. Thus I am aware how to manoeuvre this month and also to make sure as an empath protect my energies even more this month.
And 2021 = 5 year. With me being a number 2. Means I am running a 7 year. Thus amplifying my spirituality this year.
This is the wonderful thing when you can understand how you can realign with your ESP Code and tap into your cycles and resonate a beautiful song if you will, with the cosmos.
I trust this has helped you in reading this. Sending you all prayers.
Cosmic Blessings :)
Stanley Tsiamoulis (aka Stan Lee), The Mathematical Alchemist!
Intuitive Energy Healer at Maia Anthea Stewart
3yI've definitely made that bridge in my brain 🧠🥰