Numbers Are Your Next Step!
Numbers Are Your Next Step
Like anything in life when you follow a logical sequence many tasks can be achieved.
Does it not make sense to know your higher purpose to allow you then to take the next step?
Have you asked yourself the hard questions to make you move forward. So many people I see have no clear direction. So many untapped gifted people who, if they just knew that next crucial step to take to continue making their pathway.
With less fear comes a clear pathway and so many magical moments happen that allow you to grow in confidence and perform tasks you never thought possible.
Clarity in going deeper also allows you to better communicate with those around you.
One Event In A Chain Reaction
Have you ever come across a situation or an event that caused a chain reaction in the future? It could be a negative event, a storm brewing which led to that one event causing a chain reaction of other negative events.
And it can also be a positive moment where everything was in sync and one good thing led to another.
Would it be important to you if you could forecast these events? The power of the celestial bodies can allow this for you.
Look at it as your protection. The insurance policy where you stack the odds in your favour.
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You do have the free will to decide is this accurate for you or not. What I like to do is apply logic and maths and test and measure.
So, avoid tipping the scales against your favour and plan for tipping the scales in your favour.
Choose Your Events Wisely
In life you will come across certain events that need planning and organising. Have you heard of how some events, even with all the planning, just never seem to go right whilst others go perfectly?
When you go a long trip in the car you take a road map with you or use your GPS or phone app to navigate your way around. Would it make sense to also use a chart of how the celestial bodies can guide you?
Knowing yourself as explained is the first step. There is also the step of knowing others and also knowing when to plan for certain events, like new business ventures.
Indeed leaders always tactically look at how they can achieve better results and maximise their time.
Charting your event. It sounds a little strange. Have you tried it?
Cosmic Blessings :)