Staying on Track
How is your life unfolding? Are you heading in the right direction? Is your life in alignment with your goals and aspirations? If that isn’t the case, do you wish you could just flip a switch and choose a different pathway?
If your life isn’t measuring up to your expectations, then clearly something has to change.
You know the feeling. It happens when you stop to take a long, hard look at your life and recognise that something’s missing. It’s a feeling that most of us encounter when we take a pinch of honesty and examine our lives with cold objectivity. We find gaps in our lives and flaws in our dreams. We encounter regions of our life that are unfulfilled - and that’s when we begin to ask ourselves what’s going wrong.
The deeper question that is often overlooked in the face of this critical analysis is to ask ourselves what could be stopping us from taking the appropriate steps to improve our situation.
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Take a step back. Look at where you are. Consider carefully what you’re doing. Are your actions aligned with your goals? Do you choose to do the things that you like to do rather than the things that need to be done?
Success often depends on our willingness to do things that we don’t like to do, performing essential activities that are not comfortable. It reminds me of the need to clean our home, devoting time and energy to chores that are easy to postpone. Dealing with tasks that no one enjoys. But housework has to be done. And we always feel better when we’ve restored order and cleanliness to our environment. It’s the same with our goals. Some of the activities may appear to be difficult, boring or uninspiring. Yet your ability to fulfill your potential and achieve your goals will depend on your willingness to carry out tasks that you’d rather avoid.
By examining your daily activities, you will soon see if your actions match up with your goals. Being on track means an alignment between your thoughts, your feelings and your daily choice of activities. Your dreams and goals deserve your best efforts every day but making sure that your efforts are precisely aligned with your objectives will speed up your progress and keep you on track to success.