The Steampunk Starliner to An Amazing Imagination
One magical evening the artist stood in a field, deep in thought, staring in wonder at the diamond studded expanse of star filled sky above and mused. "What if imagination is the only thing that makes any sense in a world gone mad with self importance? What if the only thing that will save us, from annihilating all reason, is the ability we wield to cast a serious eye towards creative doubt, to question the world as we know it and give voice to those who otherwise might not be heard by the minority who dominate with their thoughts and actions through clever manipulation and deception?"
It was a heavy thought the artist had hefted and it was leaving a noticeable impression in his mind. He ran his emotions carefully across its newly formed crease and like the effect of a feather's gentle caress, felt a pleasant chill envelop every fiber of his being. He pressed on. "Perhaps the artist within everyone is the true voice in this universe, crying out against the dark storms of oppression which periodically flood the valleys of acceptable reason." This thought slowly began to unfold its wings the longer the artist pondered it, like a butterfly preparing for flight across the void of an unacceptable reality. "What if the artist within each of us could be freed to calm the storms and bring about meaningful change to both our own delight and the betterment of all? What an amazing thought", he mused, and then began to feel a familiar stirring of the two wings within his soul, one called purpose and the other love. The artist smiled, laughed, and quickly set to work.
Art makes us think and dream of unthinkable possibilities. Art helps us escape the confines of limiting thought and enter the true freeing power of imagination. Who's to say what is and what isn't? Sadly, it's those who have chosen to give up their right to purpose and love, in exchange for empty promises from those who have gained power and control but lack purposeful imagination, who are convinced they know and have it all.
The art of Seeing beyond seeing. It's more than simply creating a pretty picture. It's about the stories we tell ourselves and share with others using the tools of light, insight and imagination. Email me if you're curious and let's chat about how we can connect to broaden and deepen your creative perspective.
© 2020 Michael D. Davis - Permission to share is hereby granted as long as all content remains intact and in its entirety.
#visualstorytelling #mddaphotoforum #thedailychalkboard #seeingbeyondseeing #michaelddavis #teachingmoment #perspective #insight #connection #contemplation #goals #vision