Sticks and Stones
I remember, as if it were yesterday, the rhyme shouted by classmates on the grade school playground during recess; “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. That yesterday was long ago, but those words still echo in my mind. That echo has become louder of late.
As the millions of voices in this country, and millions more around the world, are struggling to be heard, like a huge waterfall of cascading noise, the tone has become harsher and the rhetoric more caustic. There is an attempt underfoot to shape and manipulate the opinions, preferences; prejudices and powers that determine our emotionally charged beliefs. We are in the throes of another industrial revolution. It is the technological revolution of information control and it threatens the very freedom of free thought, speech and opinions each of us should hold as a sacred right in our mind.
Don’t kid yourself. We are being played for suckers in this sordid, slimy battle of informational data targeting and manipulation. The promised glitter and shine of the social media Emerald City paradise has revealed its dark and tarnished catacombs and the curtain is being pulled back on those controlling the machine that determines the words, and views, deemed acceptable and those which are not. The levers being pulled and buttons pushed met out reward and punishment to those allowed to be heard and those who are not.
Freedom of speech on the information highway is being exposed as a sham. A free for all is in full swing for persuasion, power, and control, at the expense of, freedom, truth and reason. We who are caught in the middle are being coerced and goaded into a battle where all sides are wrong and none wants to give an inch to help or truly affect positive and meaningful change for the needy. In this battle there are no winners among the needy and by needy I mean all of us.
The desire to be heard, understood, accepted, cared for and loved is a basic human need. You’d think that with the myriad ways nearly every person on this earth, regardless of their social, economic, geographic or philosophical constraints, can now be viewed and heard, that diverse thought and opinion would be more accepted and tolerated. Not so. In an age where we hold in the palm of our hand, the ability to reach out to others around the globe, we have lost site and understanding of the two basic needs that accompany this human desire to be heard. We have lost site that the only reason behind this desire is to be understood and accepted. Yes, we are being played one against the other. And the designers of the game and makers of the rules are not playing nice.
But there is good news to be had, despite this rather somber message I’m sharing. No one has mandated that we must participate in being “gamed” or agree to the rules which remain mostly hidden from our view behind the Emerald City curtain. We have the ability, each of us, to turn off, tune out and ignore the manipulative messages that assail our emotions every second of every day. We don’t need to be willing addicts to an electronically delivered drug that promises fame and fortune to the masses and delivers it to only a handful of well connected people whose reasons for doing so could be viewed as certainly suspect at times if not at all times. What we need is a tipping point where people, like you and me, decide that we are going to think for ourselves and act upon what we know to be important, and what we truly have control over, not what we are told we should think of as important, pay attention to and act upon.
I have alluded to the Emerald City a couple of times in this article so far. Some of you who are reading this will understand where this comes from and I’m sure that just as many of you will not. The Emerald City was the destination that Dorothy and her friends were trying to reach in the modern fairy tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by L. Frank Baum, and published in 1900. Outside of the fact that it is an allegory that dealt with the political, social and economic events taking place in America in the 1890’s it is a fitting allegory for what is happening not just in this country, but around the world today. History has an amazing way of repeating itself, or rather, people have an irritating way, (my opinion), of repeating the same mistakes and not learning anything from the lessons that life presents them with.
I’m going to ask you to participate in a little reading homework. I promise that if you do it’s going to pay off like you will not believe. Pick up a copy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Read it with the idea that it is an allegory for the informational, ideological and economic revolution that is happening in our country and the world today.
There are four things that every human on this planet should be seeking daily; education, courage, opportunity and integrity. Think for yourself. Educate yourself. Don’t believe everything that you read, hear, or are told by people in the media who more often than not have their own hidden or blatant agendas to put forth. Do your homework. Don’t leave it to others to do this for you. Take everything you hear and see as the beginning of understanding, not the end. Be courageous. Take the road less travelled, but do it knowing there will be challenges and risks that you will undoubtedly encounter. Look for opportunity in every challenge and difficulty. Nothing will improve for yourself or for others until you do. Think in terms of helping others, not just yourself. Be honest, truthful and above reproach in everything you do. If you lose your integrity you’ve lost everything. Don’t believe me? Just look at how quickly people are more than delighted to point out the flaws and foibles of others via social media. Don’t think you aren’t vulnerable to this because we all are. The best way to be a deserving receiver is to be a prolific giver. Above all, think globally but always act locally whenever possible.
You have the power to affect meaningful and positive change within your family, your neighborhood and your community. But the most important change that will ever take place will be the change in your own mind through thought and action. One more thing; forget about fame. It’s overrated and a terrible trap. Do a little studying on how and why your role models have become famous and what they are doing with this fame to benefit others. Selfies are selfish, vain and useless. Don’t show off, instead just show up to do something amazingly good for others. Finally, use the power of the internet to reach the world for good. Don’t get sucked into the mindless waste of time spent name calling and bickering that serves no purpose other than to sow discord, distrust and disillusionment to a willing audience who can’t, or doesn’t care to, separate truth from lies, fact from fiction and reality from marketing hype.
Yes, indeed sticks and stones may break my bones, but truthfully, words will never, ever, hurt me unless I allow them to. I choose who pushes my buttons. When they do get pushed it’s me allowing them to be pushed. I have a choice in the matter and so do you. Sticks and stones don’t have to break my bones or yours. I choose to use words to be helpful, not hurtful which is why I write things like you’re reading now. It’s my desire, passion and mission to take those sticks and stones and use them to build something worthwhile. How about you? What are you going to do with all those sticks and stones lying around just waiting for you to pick up and put to use?
©2018 Michael D. Davis All Rights Reserved
Michael D. Davis is a communicator by vocation, a mentor by avocation and a social media maven by choice. His work can be found on popular channels on the web and on his blog at Michael welcomes your comments and invites you to join him. Just Google #michaelddavis or #thedailychalkboard to find him and request to connect.