This week, Draup discussed with industry leaders like Josh Bersin how to make talent acquisition and workforce planning more strategic. While several organizations are already making progress, there are still some gaps. Here are the few trends that make this transformation fairly urgent
- CEOs feel that skill shortages are worsening, but companies are cutting talent acquisition spending.
- All through COVID, Enterprises have been fighting for some best-in-class technology and digital talent. There is a rare window (till mid-2025) to get this talent. As a result, strategic push is required.
- Lost in some Implementation: How often have we heard that we are implementing a system and, as a result, we cannot afford to think strategically for the next six months? This way of operating is a sure-shot behavior that is very tactical.
- Doomsday Mindset: AI is anyway going to take away all that we built, and as a result, there is not much to do strategically
- “It is not like before” syndrome: While this may be true in many organizations, we must shake off this feeling and design the path forward.
Skilled Human labor continues to remain very precious. Across the globe, we are a fairly aging world. Besides a few hotspots like India and the Philippines, many top labor hotspots are aging, so we have to imagine the role of human labor differently anyway, and AI helps in this direction.
The question is how to develop a roadmap for transforming from tactical to strategic.
This table provides a directional area of focus for TAs and WFPs to develop understanding while building strategic competency.
- For example, the challenges for front-line and gig workers always revolve around scheduling efficiency. (One of the biggest challenges for part-time workers is this.) As a result, developing a concrete point of view is important for this workforce. Many companies do not realize that solving scheduling complexities will bring significant dollar savings in this workforce segment.
- While Recruiters and Workforce planners have done well in understanding skills, many do not yet fully understand Tech Stack. For example, a DevOps professional knowing tools like Vertex.Ai will be a significant value add. However, we may not value the same if we do not know that information.
- Difficult-to-hire skills have become complex within the skills disruption construct. I have written about this, and we are also working on a report.
- Similarly, in certain workforce segments like Industrial and Manufacturing, Automation plays a huge role, and TAs need to understand the required data literacy skills.
Summary: There is a significant opportunity for TAs and WFPs to play a strategic role and get the attention of the C-suite. There are a few areas we have identified in enabling this transition.