Sunsets and the Passage of Time
As 2023 comes to a close, I’ve exceeded my own expectations of what’s possible to achieve in a year. Lucky me, I received an unexpected gift of this sliver of time to reflect on sunsets.
Mostly I focus my reflections from the perspective of my business, being a consultant, coach, facilitator, teacher, curriculum designer….business owner.
But because my business is my purpose and it informs where and how I find community, life and work are a grilled cheese sandwich, white cheese and yellow cheese all smooshed together in one messy, yummy experience.
Here are some sunset reflections that you might find useful, or just interesting.
1. Looking back is harder on the psyche than looking forward, because there’s nothing you can do to change that past! Don’t get me wrong, I look there too, vacillating between pleasurable reminiscing and painful heart-wrenches of lessons learned. Just recently I’ve allowed it all to be OK, even the pain! I think they call that growth. I do.
2. I have truly valued and enjoyed people in my life who were with me for a season, or a reason, not a lifetime. A few of these beautiful people are subscribers to this newsletter, a delicious little discovery I made from perusing my newsletter subscriber list today — all 675 people who want to know what I have to say, in just my 3 first posts! If this were being presented as advice, it would be to know what “your people” value about you. If you REALLY want to stretch into this opportunity, ask them this question, or your own version of it. “Who do I allow you to be?” Then, of course, take turns. Who do they allow you to be?
3. Nobody is asking me the question I might expect given both my younger siblings are long retired; “Why aren’t you?” People who know me well know the answer; grilled cheese sandwich reference above. My husband Larry always tells people, “Never retire. Just do what you love to do!” That says it all for me, too.
4. I’m a lifelong learner, always have been. Otherwise, I might have burned out by now. I like to respond, when asked how long I’ve had my business, “Over 25 years, but who’s counting? Certainly not me!” I wish I were more motivated by the money, but that’s not the satisfier for me. The opportunity to contribute to someone is what fills me up, makes my heart sing. Love is all there is!
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5. As we age, sleep becomes more elusive, particularly for women whose hormones have been exhausted (pun intended). Bringing value to people is such a high, and my curiosity is so broad, that I find it hard to stop the nightly reflecting of my day. Maybe you can relate. I used to think it was just me. Far from it.
6. One of the reasons I don’t sleep well is that I care so deeply that when the world turns in ways I would have be different, I fret. I get involved. I speak up. One negotiation expert’s favorite line about negotiating for a mutual win is “Care… but not too much.” I would really like to internalize that advice! But as hard as I try, the “not too much” part remains elusive.
7. Speaking of caring, 2023 was the year that I declared publicly would be themed the year of “sharing care.” Oh, my goodness, I have manifested sharing care! I hope some of it was sprinkled on you, too.
8. I love to journal, maybe it’s a family thing. My mother and both my sisters were lifelong journalers too. But in my Emerging Leader Accelerator course over the past 4 Cohorts I have recommended, nudged, cajoled, taught, and emphasized JOURNALING as a way of getting in touch with yourself and your growth as a leader. HAH!
I have taken the emphasis on journaling out of the course for the 5th Cohort, because mostly it’s more men than women participating so far, and my experience has been that mostly men don’t journal! On my little retreat this week, though, I saw a guy journaling! So to you guys, just saying…. I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s JOURNALING and that’s so COOL!
Journaling is a reflective activity. A journal is a cool tool for your growth and development! Consider it...
In closing, I wish you wonderful fulfilling reflections and magnificent plans for 2024 and beyond!
Master Facilitator | Business Mastermind Groups | Growing Businesses Strategically using the Proven Ritamac Method
1yThanks for your post, Pamela. I value you as a friend and fellow business woman.
Unlock ideal financial performance with Success Accelerators: 7 Dimensions of Team Power framework+coaching+consulting generates BEING LEADER = Improved team performance👍, decreased voluntary T/O,👏 leader kudos.
1yThank you Jim Cathcart! Happy Holidays to you and Paula! 🤶
Mentor to Experts, Consultants & Entrepreneurs, Author 27 books, Sales&Marketing Hall of Fame
1yI am thankful for your guidance and friendship.
Unlock ideal financial performance with Success Accelerators: 7 Dimensions of Team Power framework+coaching+consulting generates BEING LEADER = Improved team performance👍, decreased voluntary T/O,👏 leader kudos.
1yThanks David Klaasen, and you definitely keep on keeping on with me! 😊
Director @ Talent4Performance | Organisation and People Development using Analytics, Brain Science and Change Strategies
1yGreat to see your thoughts and reflections on 2023. There is so much learning to be had if you look for it. Sadly far too many people squander their time with mindless activities that numb the senses and feed the brain simple dopamine hits that are like junk food for the body. It feels like it's getting nourished but it's slow poison. Here's to lifelong curiosity and learning, and to being comfortable with being uncomfortable, because that's how we grow.