Team Leader Skills Audits

Team Leader Skills Audits

One of the easiest ways for Call Center Managers to identify any skill deficiencies with their Team Leaders is to conduct a Skills Audit that covers all the team leading, functional and technical skills they need to be amazing leaders.

Regularly conducting skills audits is a great way to identify training and coaching priorities that managers can implement to make sure Team Leaders have the right skills so they can coach, nurture and lead winning teams.

Another benefit is that it’s much easier to identify if there are any skills areas that a number of Team Leaders need help in so you can decide whether you should provide individual or group training or coaching sessions.

And, creating Skills Audit forms can be as simple as breaking all the skills areas you’ll audit into 2 skills areas:  Team Leading and Functional/Technical. And also create a column on the left hand side of your spreadsheet to list all your Team Leaders.

Then simply go along the row for each Team Leader and either place a tick in the cell under the skills area if you’re comfortable that they are on top of that skill, or place an X in the row if you’re not.

And, if you place an X against any skill area be sure to add a note to the cell to remind you what the problem is be that needs to be addressed.

It might only take a little feedback to get your Team Leader back on track which you can do quickly, or you may need to have them attend some specialized training if it involves Product Knowledge or working with your systems or processes.

If a few of your Team Leaders need the same type of training or coaching you’ll be able to quickly see that and decide how to handle that with either one-on-one or group coaching or training.

You should do a skills audit every quarter and include it in any reviews and feedback sessions you have with your team leaders, and if you have any new Team Leaders come on board give them a month or two to settle in to their role before conducting a Skills Audit.

Need To Get Your Team Leaders Hitting Their Targets Fast?

Check out my Free Workshop to discover:

  • Why your Team Leaders aren’t regularly hitting their targets and KPIs.
  • Why promoting really good team members as Team Leaders is failing you.
  • How to get back on track and make all your stress and frustration fade away.
  • Key Foundations NEEDED to create amazing Team Leaders who CONSISTENTLY hit team goals.

If You Can Follow This Proven Formula, You Can Quickly Create Amazing Team Leaders Who Hit (Or Even Exceed) Their Targets Every Month!

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