The TENSION Tales - A Rare side effect of HYPERTENSION Meds 😉 ------Part-1

The TENSION Tales - A Rare side effect of HYPERTENSION Meds 😉 ------Part-1

So todays article is a little different , it is an attempt to make my readers understand and spread the word on the simple yet man made complicated topic…I promise you to take you through this in my always Dramatic manner so that it etches on your mind , body, soul & heart….Uffff here we go again!!

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           On a serious note in this article I would like to make a humble attempt to break the myths, the preconceived notions and the dreads surrounding the topic of –Anti-hypertensive medications.

        In the end it might be quite relatable, funny or a bit of food for thought…but the only intention is to empower you with the right knowledge and spread the word amongst your near and dear ones.

Let the Tales Begin:- Tale -1

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My First patient was a 37yr old male with Vitals BP: 150/90 mmHg , Pulse:90 bpm with weight and height appropriate to age. So my patient had become a bit irritable due to many circumstantial changes around his work and so had some how become cranky person . Being a Type A personality and always a go getter my patient from being a superman had become a crankyman. Thus I have nick named him Mr. Crankyman (Mr. C) for the rest of the part.

Me: Yes Mr.C what brings you here today? What is bothering you?

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Mr. C: I have a lot of headaches nowadays, It has progressively increased since the last 8 months , my irritability has increased, I blast on every second person sparing no one. The other night my little one came to me to play , he kept insisting and then I lost it, I just gave that kid a huge scolding and Oh dear I felt horrible.

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I am not sparing my wife too. I am just scowling at her she tells me I am a changed person..Too angry always irritated and ofcourse with the line “ You weren’t like this before” made me even more irritated I have lost my sleep and there is this constant annoying tingling numbness  over my neck and scalp. Urrgh all annoying!!!

Me: I further probed "Mr. C ,did anyone in the family have hypertension? With a little bit of innocence and humour Mr. C asked Ahh…You think my wife is the reason behind this?

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 I cautioned him saying: "Mr.C pray you get your evening meal today and your sleep on the couch is restful :-P ."

Mr. C did confirm that both his parents had hypertension and were on medications. As Mr. C was a regular patient of mine I noticed a pattern that showed the blood pressure was always on the higher side I.e 130/90 mmhg but in the current months due to added stress plus cigarette smoking and outside salty food with increased number in cups of coffee Mr. Crankymans gene had activated and thus a full blown hypertension situation was observed.

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   Well after a good counselling session our Crankyman had calmed down and post starting of the Anti-hypertensive medications he was thriving , functioning in full force , sleeping well and had reversed back to becoming a doting father to his child and returned to becoming the almost sweet husband that he was for his Missus . Last I enquired he was fed well with a low salt diet under the supervision of his wife. :-)


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  A close friend Mrs. Worrier ( Mrs. W) a 59 yrs old female with a little overweight BMI ( Body mass index) messaged me frantically on whatsapp. Our conversation followed like this :-

    Mrs. W: Hi Doc. Hru ?

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  Me: Starting to type....

 Mrs. W: I recently had a fall in the Bathroom and twisted my leg , I got a fracture now . The pain was unbearable and my Blood pressure shot up to 180/100mmHg . The Emergency doctor who was attending me started me on BP medications.

With all anguish, scepticism & Concern she continued .. Meanwhile

 Me: Starting to type...typing...attempting to type...stops.

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Mrs. W: Is this BP medication for life? My BP averages to 160/90mmHg !! Why should I take the medication??? This is upsetting !!! I am constantly evaluating my Bp its averaging to 140/90mmHg ? Still I have to take?? Nobody in my family has...Mom started her Bp medications at 65yrs..I am not 65yrs yet. Oh God!! why me? What should I do.??? Sorry are you busy...Is it serious ??? You not saying anything Doc.

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And Meanwhile ..

  Me: Waiting for my chance to ...TYPE...

When I finally did...I wrote to her , Counselled her in Vms, Dms and then a 30 min call and finally she was convinced -------To take the medication.

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   Now Mrs Worrier is a little less worried about life and has accepted the BP meds and is recuperating well from her fracture.


Wait Wait... I know what you guys must be thinking...This Dr is just telling us stories & stories but what did she actually say to convince these patients......

I promise to reveal all of it...but just after this bit...keep reading....will post the end part very soon...till then take a chill pill...:-). Have a great weekend!


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Maria Haggo 🧠🤍🌱

Founder at Transform8 | Neuroscience at Work | Conscious Leadership | Engagement | Performance | Brain Health | Stress & Burnout | Women Leadership | Mental Wellbeing | Culture Change | TEDx Speaker


Insightful. What are some non medication things that these patients can do to support their health?

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