Thinking Partners News - Ambition, Excitement and Integrity

Thinking Partners News - Ambition, Excitement and Integrity

I hope you find this newsletter edition inspiring, informing, and enticing. In the absence of hundreds of 1:1 conversations, this is my way of sharing, and staying connected.

I'm continuing to have energy on the topics of decisions, decision quality and decisiveness. I’m planning to transtition my Learning Labs to another theme soon. The theme of conflict management has been suggested, my all time favorite. I'm also thinking about retention and team engagement. And the idea of exploring "false choices" intrigues me (Example: Can leaders be compassionate and have demanding expectations?) What would you like to hear about?

I invite you to send me a note. I’d love to hear what you are up to. 

Now, onward

What you will find here

I’ve organized my newsletter by 4 key principles of my coaching for individuals and teams. 

What Inspires Me – Thoughts to kindle our hunger to make a difference in our world. 

What I’m Feeling – Insight into emotions which give connection to ourselves and the world. E-motions are literally what motivates us to be “in Motion”. 

What I’m Thinking – Leaders lead through conversation. Transformation requires conversation. Masterful Leaders knowingly use language to coordinate action to shared goals. 

What I’m Doing – Leaders dignify to their words with focused action. I give an update on my “Doings” and invite you to join me. 

What Inspires Me 

Someday the day will come when there will be no more somedays.

What I'm Feeling

Ambition, Enthusiasm, Resignation and Excitement 

I believe the emotion of Ambition gets a bad rap. Many times we view ambition as "blind ambition", selfishness, not being a team player. 

However the message or story behind Ambition could be "I know what I want and I'm taking action to get it". How cool is that! 

  • To know what you want
  • To take direct focused action to acheive what you want

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Ambition is very cool, until it's not.... 

When being Ambitious leaves a trail of debris, low trust and broken relationships in it's wake, I suggest considering the emotion of Enthusiasm. 

The message or story behind Enthusiasm is "I'm commited to a cause greater than myself". Enthusiasm is directed to the external, not the internal. Enthusiasm connects to the world and others. It opens us to the future and to what is possible.

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Enthusiasm is very cool, until it's not...

When being Enthusiastic for a greater cause leaves us overwhelmed, disconnected from ourselves and our needs, we may have given too much. We need to pull back; to seek comfort; ground ourselves in our personal needs; remember what we truly care about. 

For some, it might be very hard to connect to Ambition or Enthusiasm. A mood of Resignation might be how you are moving through the day. 

Resignation has the message or story "Nothing I do will make a difference". We may feel hopelessness and despair. Like waking every day feeling like you are between a dog and a fire hydrant. 

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I have lived eighty years of life and know nothing for it, but to be resigned and tell myself that flies are born to be eaten by spiders and man to be devoured by sorrow. - Voltaire

Resignation is a tough place. Be kind to yourself. Seek support. I know not your circumstances, but I will offer that you take a small step to the emotion of Excitment. 

When Excited we are saying "I love this", "I want more of this". Our energy level increases. We may be open to reconnecting to possibilities, meaning, and purpose. 

What get's you excited? What brings you joy and meaning? When have you been excited in the past? 

Put one hand on your heart and the other on your gut. Connect to your real self and make a list of what excites you. 

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it

And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I want you!

The Pointer Sisters

No really! Take 15 minutesfor yourself. Click on the 5 minute video with the Pointer Sisters song (make it as loud as you can!). Dance a little and then dance some more. Then make a List of What Excites You. What brings you joy and meaning?

I'd love to hear what comes up. Drop me a note. 

What I'm Thinking

In my last Newsletter I spoke to how Trust is an assessment. We decide to trust another person based upon our assessment of them in four elements of trust. 

How much do we trust ourselves? The four elements of trust can be used to assess how much trust ourselves. I believe people who trust themselves are also more in Integrity. They are seen as people with Integrity, Authenticity and Trustworthyness. 

Do you Trust yourself? Ask yourself:

Care: Am I taking care of my body, mind and spirit? 

Sincerity: Do I have a clear assessment of who I am and what I want? Do I speak and act with authenticy consistent with this? 

Competency: Am I giving myself credit for all I am capable? Do I know and respect my limitations? 

Reliability: Do I make and follow through on the promises I make to myself?

What small action can I take today to increase my trust in myself? To be in Integrity with myself? 

Tonight, as I lay my head on my pillow, I will claim I had just a little more trust in myself. 

Drop me a note. How did this make a difference for you? 

What I’m Doing

I’m partnering with individual clients and teams to be more successful and fulfilled. Here is what I've seen and heard from highly respected and successful leaders this week:

  • "I had 20 scheduled meetings yesterday"
  • "My direct reports are all new and I'm doing everything I can to help them be successful." 
  • "I'm dealing with the fallout of decisions made years ago. How does my team catch a break?" 
  • "I'm being asked to do more than I've ever done in areas I've never worked. It's exciting and overwhelming at the same time."

Does this sound familier? Let’s have a short conversation (Zoom has a bad rap. I love Zoom).

Watercooler break: Yes! The more casual conversations we used to have in the breakroom. The meeting after the meeting. The conversation where you learned what was really going on. 

These sessions are not to talk about the weather or the game last weekend. I will bring a relevant, impactful topic and que up a conversation about what matters to leaders. You can sign up now. 

Watercooler Breaks are on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 12:00 to 1:00 Central Time Register now: 

March 10 - Topic: "How teams make horrible decisions" - This is going to be fun. I've got a couple very short videos of teams making horrible decisions. You will have likely seen one of them. We're going to have a great conversation dissecting these scenes to how they portray real situation you have experienced.

Thinking Partners Learning Labs: The next one is Thursday, February 24 from 12:00 to 1:00 Central Time. The topic will be “How to Make Great Decisions at the Right Time” Find out more and register here:

Linked In: I’m posting and interacting frequently on Linked In. I invite you to come see what I’m doing there. For all Linked In’s claims to be a “connecting app”, it can only happen when posts turn into comments and conversations and insights. 

If you are so moved, know that I love to receive recommendations and endorsements on my Linked In page.

Sincerely, Ken Roseboom

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