Announcement - What's Not Working Mastermind
When did you last experience the realization "This isn't working for me"?
It might have been a very clear, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
More likely "This isn't working for me" shows up as a glance at your watch to confirm the time you are wasting or maybe you just realize you aren't getting the results you expected.
That's what happened for me. I was sending invitations and developing programs for bi-weekly free Learning Labs. By all accounts the Learning Lab content was very good. But I was spending precious time managing invitations, sending reminders, and developing content. Attendance was dwindling.
Maybe attendance was dwindling because I didn't send enough emails and LinkedIn posts (that's what the email marketers and your inbox fatigue will say!).
My coach (yes, I pay for a coach) said my invitation wasn't "hot enough". It didn't generate sufficient interest amongst all the competition for your time and attention.
Whatever the case, my conclusion was that Learning Labs were simply "not working" as a venue for providing people with real, just in time, value. It "wasn't working" to demonstrate a way to showcase how working with a good coach can unlock your potential. It "wasn't working" to generate a community supporting each other.
Then we realized how much isn't working for people in their everyday lives. I'll spare repeating my long list of stress and strains I believe people are experiencing.
But please, take a deep breath and list all the issues causing you stress and uncertainty in one long exhale. Need another breath?
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We did! We needed several more breaths to list what wasn't working in our personal lives, our professional lives and our complex world in general.
I declared "what I was doing wasn't working for me". A pivot, a change was needed.
That was when the "What's Not Working Mastermind" was born. It's hot, it's relevent; it will unleash the potential of a mastermind group to support each other.
Hey Ken, so what exactly is this mastermind?
Glad you asked! Here is what will happen:
You will experience:
Interested? Here is a little more information.
Hey Ken! I'm ready and want to participate!
The next FREE What's Not Working Workshop is April 15 at noon CT on Zoom.