“Three fundamental elements to awakening Feminine Leadership”
One of the most common questions I hear from women in corporate space and my mastermind mentoring programs is “How do I connect with my feminine energy when I spend most of my day in my masculine?”
There are deadlines to meet, decisions to make, responsibilities to handle, multiple areas of life and projects to juggle all at the same time. We often feel like there is very little time left for ourselves. We sprint through our day in order to get things done.
The reason why we thought we had to become more masculine once upon a time is because we wanted equal rights. Hell Yes! Cheers to all women who chased after their visions. Elizabeth Smith Miller. Her goal in the 1800s was to help women in the United States win the right to vote. Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded Nobel Prize in 1903. Junko Tabei, first woman to climb Mount Everest in 1975.
However we also thought we had to become more like men in the work environment in order to be respected, acknowledged and given the same opportunities. We thought authority equaled masculinity.
Times are changing. We are once again searching for a better approach to finding fulfilment across all areas of our life like career, wellbeing and relationships.
Possibly, we just haven’t fully learned yet that in order to accelerate and produce extraordinary results and to have what we want we must simply be comfortable being ourselves. We must know our X factor! We want to awaken our feminine traits and have an ability to draw from masculine energy when necessary.
It all beings with self-leadership.
We need to trust ourselves especially in moments which test our ability to stand up for what we believe in. We speak our truth. We inspire change.
Feminine and masculine energies are not gender specific. Men and women have both energies within.
The first step to awakening Feminine Leadership is to expand your Consciousness.
Broaden your horizons. Create a vision which will become your life’s masterpiece. Begin asking new existential questions. Dig deep in questioning your life direction and your heart’s purpose. Great quality questions will help you to first find and then stay on a path which aligns with your true core passion.
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
– André Gide
Second step is Connection.
Make a choice to find out exactly who you are and fall in love with the person you are today. Accept all parts of your life for they have brought you to this special moment.
Have daily sensuality rituals to help you connect to yourself. Nourish your sense of sight, smell, taste, hear and touch by doing things like meditation with insensitive burners, warm bath, being in nature, art, listening to music, massage, dance. Have experiences.
There is a real sense of empowerment present when we know ourselves, when we know our values and when we know our desired outcomes.
Your decision making will improve as you grow a deeper connection with yourself. Your relationships will develop and flourish as your comfort with vulnerability increases.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
– Aristotle
Third element to awakening feminine energy is Creativity.
Discover all avenues for creativity in your career and personal life. Many entrepreneurs are highly creative and that’s what drives their level of satisfaction. Some career paths are based fully on creativity.
Have a hobby which has a beginning and the end. It’s a great way to unwind and learn new skills.
Research shows that people with hobbies are less likely to suffer from stress, low mood, and depression. Group activities like team sports can improve your communication skills and relationships with others.
Femininity and radiance are strengths of some of the most influential women in the world like Oprah, Lady Gaga, Michelle Obama, Malala Yousafzai, Coco Chanel, Sarah Jessica Parker.
Think of feminine leadership as a magnificent river flowing powerfully, open, knowing its destination yet ready to be adaptive. In constant ever changing motion. Her current is strong and beautiful. She is graceful and resilient. She trusts her intuition. She is a source of life for many beings. Nurturing, empathetic and compassionate. She is an unstoppable force.
“I am not a woman. I am a force of nature”
- Courtney Love
Leadership Coach • Consultant @Dale Carnegie Australia • Founder @Feminine Leadership Co • TEDx Speaker • D&I Advocate • Passionate about championing women to the highest levels of leadership in biz & corporate arenas
4yRob Sharkey
Relational Mindfulness, Compassionate Communication & Resiliency Practitioner
4yIn this TOGETHER, lovely leader‼️ Have HEART!❤️
Regional Director I S&OP I IBP I MRP I Capacity I Production & Fine Planning I Warehouse I CIP
4yExcellent article
Inspiring Energy & Action on and off stage!
4yBrilliant Ela Staniak Leaupepe ✨Self-Leadership Coach - Speaker✨ The better I get to know myself the stronger I am. The more I am able to trust my decisions and feel power in my abilities. I love this “feminine leadership as a magnificent river flowing powerfully, open, knowing its destination yet ready to be adaptive. In constant ever changing motion. Her current is strong and beautiful. She is graceful and resilient. She trusts her intuition. She is a source of life for many beings. Nurturing, empathetic and compassionate. She is an unstoppable force”
🎯 Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs, Professionals, & Families hire me to shrink their Financial Independence timelines down from 30 years to as little as 2 years, while growing as a Leader 🔅 and Unleashing Their Purpose💥
4yThe divine feminity is leading its way Ela Staniak Leaupepe ✨Self-Leadership Coach - Speaker✨