It is time to plan long-term care!
You have heard it said, "Failure to plan is a plan for failure". Let me tell you about my experiences with families and business. I have seen too many mistakes which damaged relationships and wasted resources. Please take this topic seriously because it can impact you and your loved ones.
Here are several items I believe you need to know about long-term care:
If you believe you are covered by your health insurance or your long-term disability insurance, then you are likely to be very disappointed to learn that you are probably not covered for long-term care expenses.
Medicare is not long-term care, it pays only for skilled care. Medicaid covers only the very poor. Both have very limited coverage for care provided in your own home. Government programs are not designed to cover all of your long-term care needs.
Most people stay in their own home or in their community for long-term care services. You do not need to go into a nursing home. Most long term care insurance policies will cover all settings, including home health, adult day care, assisted living, skilled nursing and may even provide money to pay informal caregivers (such as a family member, in some cases).
Don't wait too long! Waiting to plan may be a mistake because premiums are based on age and a change in your health can make you ineligible for insurance protection (no matter how much money you are willing to pay for it).
Design a plan that fits your needs and budget. Why not find out how much you may be able to cover on your own and plan to close the gap with proper planning. There is no cost, other than your time. Email: or call: (302) 722-6000 or schedule time with me using calendly: