Transforming Cognitive Health Assessments With Event-Related Potentials
Cognitive health assessments (CHAs) are essential clinical tools used to evaluate an individual’s cognitive function to help identify potential impairments caused by injury or disease. However, current assessments primarily rely on behavior-based evaluations, which present many confounding factors and inefficiencies that limit their utility. Alternatively, electroencephalography (EEG)-based CHAs that analyze electrophysiological responses that represent function biomarkers, known as event-related potentials (ERPs), can help address these limitations by offering objective assessments that more accurately reflect underlying neurophysiology.
Importance of CHAs and limitations with current methods
CHAs help clinically evaluate fundamental cognitive abilities that significantly impact a person’s quality of life, like memory, attention and concentration, and information processing. These tools can identify potential cognitive impairments, inform treatment strategies, and track progress for those experiencing cognitive impairments (1,2,3,4).
As with any clinical tool, CHAs are only as strong as their reliability and accuracy. The need for reliable CHAs is more pressing than ever, given an escalating brain health crisis driven by a rapidly increasing aging population and rising cases of traumatic brain injuries (5), mental health disorders (6), mild cognitive impairments (7), and dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease (8). This increasing demand for improved accuracy, availability, and efficiency also poses challenges that traditional CHAs may struggle to meet.
Current CHAs primarily measure cognitive function through behavioral testing, often with structured tasks and questionnaires. These typically involve an initial “pen-and-paper” screening (e.g., MMSE, MoCA, clock-drawing test), potentially followed by more rigorous neuropsychological batteries involving a series of additional behavioral and observational assessments, all of which can take up to 6-8 hours (9,10). These methods, however, can introduce confounding factors and inefficiencies that limit their utility as cognitive health readouts (11,12,13).
Reliability is a prominent limitation of traditional behavior-based CHAs, as many heavily rely on clinical observations and self-reporting, which are influenced by factors such as mood and mental state, inaccurate recollection, and cultural or language differences. Additionally, behavioral tasks that aim to be less subjective still introduce additional variability issues due to factors like motivation, fluctuating cognitive symptoms, comorbidities or physical limitations (e.g., other health conditions, motor impairments), education and literacy discrepancies, and administrator differences (11,12,13).
So, while current CHAs assessments can offer some insights into cognitive function, their reliability is limited by these confounding factors. Therefore, alternative methods that eliminate the subjectivity and variability of behavior-based tests may yield more precise measures of cognitive health.
Event-Related Potentials (ERPs): Enabling Objective CHAs
ERPs are electrophysiological brain responses triggered by a specific stimulus or task. These stimuli can be sensory, including visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli, or cognitive, which often uses sensory stimuli within a task framework to evaluate a person’s ability to attend to, remember, comprehend, or otherwise process beyond the sensation level (14,15). Therefore, incorporating ERPs into CHAs can provide evidence-based insight into an individual’s cognitive health at the source, pinpointing key brain functions that may be altered due to injury or disease (16,17,18).
ERPs are objective measures, as they are recorded directly and noninvasively from electrical activity in the brain using EEG electrodes while a person performs a task or is presented with a stimulus (14). The resulting electrical signals are analyzed to extract specific components of the ERPs of interest, which comprise positive and/or negative waveforms associated with various cognitive processing aspects. Therefore, the shape and timing of these time-locked ERP waveforms during cognitive performance tasks can serve as sensitive and reproducible cognitive health indicators (19,20,21,22).
Unlike subjective CHA methods, such as self-reporting or behavioral observations, ERPs offer an objectively quantifiable assessment of neural activity that can eliminate many of the variability concerns. For example, statistically rigorous ERP analyses remove the need to rely on an individual’s self-perception and memory about their cognitive functioning experiences. Additionally, because ERPs are a direct measure of neurocognitive function, they can provide greater sensitivity than traditional CHAs, adding valuable insight into the neurophysiological substrates that would go unnoticed with behavioral data alone (23,24,25).
ERP-based CHAs also allow for more precise long-term cognitive health monitoring by evaluating the changes in cognitive function while assessing the effectiveness of an implemented treatment plan. The confounding factors associated with traditional CHAs limit their reliability for long-term tracking, but the sensitivity and reproducibility of ERP-based methods avoid these pitfalls (16,26). Additionally, although motivation, fluctuating cognitive symptoms, and comorbidities can still impact ERP-based CHAs, these potential confounds are more likely to be detected and accounted for than with traditional CHAs.
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While the benefits of incorporating ERPs into CHAs have long been recognized, technical and logistical complexities have hindered their widespread clinical use. However, new technological advances and a deeper understanding of these processes have paved the way for innovative CHAs that realize the clinical potential of ERPs.
VoxNeuro’s Approach: Simplifying and Accelerating Objective CHAs
VoxNeuro is leveraging decades of ERP research to develop CHAs that provide rapid, objective, and actionable data with VoxNeuro CORE, which uses established neuropsychological and cognitive tests combined with EEG-based brain performance software to objectively score cognitive function across three key domains — Attention & Concentration, Information Processing, and Memory.
The VoxNeuro CORE assessment is conducted in just 30 minutes and employs a proprietary EEG-based protocol and medical software. During the assessment, patients undergo a series of neuropsychological and cognitive tests related to these key domains, while ERPs are noninvasively recorded. The cognitive assessment includes an Awake and Drowsy test, an Auditory Evoked Potential (AEP) test, a Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) test, an Auditory Oddball test, and the Continuous Visual Memory Test (CVMT).
The resulting ERPs are then rapidly analyzed and compared against VoxNeuro’s normative database, which is validated across age (12-90) and sex groups to generate a comprehensive report that scores each core cognitive function domain. These instantaneous and easy-to-interpret reports give physicians reliable insights into their patients’ cognitive performance measures compared to their peers.
VoxNeuro CORE has many advantages over traditional CHAs that rely solely on behavioral observations. VoxNeuro CORE results are objective measures with minimal subject or administrator influence, based on brain-based biomarkers that: better reflect underlying brain function; are repeatable without habituation effects; can be compared and evaluated against a normative database; and are less influenced by confounding factors such as language, motivation, education, and literacy.
In addition to increased reliability and objectivity, the VoxNeuro CORE assessment is administered and analyzed rapidly, which is a substantial benefit when compared with the long assessment and report generation lead times of extensive neuropsychological batteries (3). The quick assessment times and reliable results from VoxNeuro CORE allow physicians to more reliably monitor changes in a patient’s cognitive scores over time to help track progress and validate the efficacy of an implemented treatment plan.
VoxNeuro CORE is currently FDA-registered as a Class II exempt medical device and has been validated by over 30 years of pioneering ERP research, showing promise in measuring cognitive changes across multiple neurological conditions, including epilepsy (27), ADHD (28,29), depression (30), concussion (31), Alzheimer’s disease (32), and more.
Overall, while traditional cognitive health assessments can provide some behavioral insights, they only provide one small piece of a more complex cognitive health puzzle. ERP-based assessments like VoxNeuro CORE that leverage direct measures of brain function offer an objective solution that can overcome the sensitivity and reliability limitations of current CHAs and revolutionize cognitive care with actionable insights into underlying neurophysiology.
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1yThank you John for blazing this trail and helping VoxNeuro CORE give everyone's brain a voice.