The Trap Of Being "Realistic"

The Trap Of Being "Realistic"

We learn to be realistic

We learn to be thoughtful

We learn to play it safe


We learn to stay comfortable


We learn not to ask for much


We learn to conform


We learn how to behave


We are conditioned at an early age


By our loving and well-meaning parents


By culture, society, school and religion


To adhere to certain belief systems


And we receive punishment or rewards based on how well we follow this conditioning


We learn what to believe and what not to believe


We learn what is acceptable and what is not acceptable


We learn how to live and what to dream


As children we didn’t choose these things, we grew into them


When children these became our unquestionable truths


The journey I have been on is ultimately a journey of unlearning


Unlearning all the belief systems that keep me from remembering my truth


There have been MANY layers to this journey as you can imagine


Today I am going to focus on talking about unlearning to be “realistic”


And why that has been critical


Because here is the truth…


Being “realistic” keeps us stuck in previous realities that reflected the old limited belief systems, conditioning and programming


And here is the thing about deeply ingrained belief systems… sometimes they hold us back and we are not even aware


Growing up my dad taught me to always have a realistic budget and plan – which was incredibly helpful and practical


So, when I took the big leap to leave corporate and follow my calling to build my mission driven coaching business, I found myself developing a very thoughtful and realistic financial plan


I recognize that creating a thoughtful and realistic plan, which included a “plan B”, was “a smart thing to do” and also helped me to “manage” the inner critic voices in my head


However, a few months into my life as a full-time entrepreneur and coach I also quickly realized that while my thoughtful and realistic plan was protecting my heart from being hurt or disappointed, it was also keeping me playing small and staying safe  


Then this thought hit me like a thunderbolt:

I don’t really want a “realistic” life!


I don’t know about you, but I am done being realistic!  


I want a big, bold, fun, joyful, colorful, abundant and delicious life as I follow my truest and biggest dreams


I want a life full of unrealistic magic and miracles  


I want a life that breaks and defies all the “realistic molds and conditioning” I learned


I don’t want to be realistic anymore!


F*ck being realistic!

And here is the thing... as soon as I let go of being realistic, things in my coaching business really took off!


I am daring to be boldly and courageously unrealistic!


So unrealistic that some people may think I am crazy lol – who cares?!


I will be over here living my unrealistic life FULLY!


Living a life full of the biggest and most unrealistic dreams I allow myself to dream!


Living a life with more freedom, meaning, fulfillment and abundance than I had ever imagined possible


So my question to you…


Are you also done living a “realistic” life?


Are you ready to allow yourself to dream the most unrealistic dreams possible?


Please share with me! I would love to hold space and celebrate us dreaming unrealistically big!

Mandy Demetsky

Business Strategist, Sales Optimization Specialist, Go-To Market Guru


YEEEEEESSSSSS Sister!! Living a wildly magical, joyful, free, limitless life is the REAL realistic!

Theresa E. Gonzales

Speaker | Executive Podcast Producer| Digital Marketing Strategist |Business Systems Solutions Consultant


Oh wow! That's a big one! Here's the other shoe on that "realistic" thought... be practical! The small shoes that society gives us.

Ronda Bailey

President R Bailey Consulting @ R Bailey Consulting | New Business Development


Unlearning to be "realistic" ...dreaming - opening my eyes including my 3rd eye allows me to jump in free from fear and finding my truth and strengths. Thank you for sharing this important message.

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