A Tribute: Rest Easy, Good Fella Vince Sharps
Mourning the loss of Vincent Sharps today (far right in photo with orange tie). My dear friend, mentee, fellow cast member in the TV series “Good Fellas of Baltimore,” and brother from another mother was laid to rest today. I am utterly devastated from his sudden passing at the young age of 45. I’ve known him and his family for 32 years. It’s rare that you get to see someone grow up and go through as many stages of growth and life as I got to see and experience with Vince.
May his memory be a blessing.
I know Vince had friends throughout the country, so for those who couldn't make it to the service today, here is the tribute I shared on behalf of all of his friends:
Hello everyone. My name is A.J. Ali. Here with me are Brian Jarosinski, MSFS, CFP™, ChFC®, AEP®, RICP®, CASL® and Ken Rochon, Jr., PhD . We were some of Vince’s castmates in the Good Fellas of Baltimore TV series.
To Vince’s family, we are deeply sorry for your loss. We loved Vince as a brother. When we made that show, we made a commitment to each other that we would be Good Fellas for life. The show lasted only two years but our friendships, our brotherhood has stood the test of time. A lot of that had to do with Vince. He was a shining light amongst us.
To Bob and Claudette, Jane and I have looked up to you and treasured our relationship for the past 32 years. From day one Vince was like a little brother to me. I remember the first time I saw Vince as a young boy, working at the family business. I saw his future, and it was bright.
When the family asked me to say a few words on behalf of Vince’s friends, I knew right away that it would be a daunting task. So, I’ll begin those words with an apology. To all of you, I’m sorry. There is no way, not in three minutes, not in 3 years, that I can fully represent what Vince meant to each and every one of us. He loved deeply, he built incredibly personal connections, and each of you has a story to tell about how he impacted your life.
Sometimes when someone passes away, it’s a struggle to find the words to describe their impact on the world and in their community. In the case of Vince Sharps, it’s exactly the opposite. No amount of words will be sufficient.
You know that sparkle he got in his eyes when he was excited about something? Every one of you has seen it, felt it. His energy was infectious. It was almost impossible not to have a good time when you were with him. He was playful, and witty, and deep, and philosophical, and charismatic.
When I asked Vince to join the cast of the show, he said YES! But you have to also put Brian in. He’s my best friend. I said ok, but I didn’t realize what that meant. Apparently, as soon as I said yes, the two of them must have spent the next week binge watching Jersey Shore, because they quickly mastered the art of drama and making my life as the producer very difficult. It’ll be good for the ratings, they would say.
On Monday, I’d get a call from Andre…. “A.J., you won’t believe what Vince did.”
On Tuesday, I’d get a call from Ken… “A.J., did you hear about what Brian did?”
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On a Wednesday, I’d get a call from Steve de Castro… “A.J., what the heck is going on with Brian and Vince?”
On Thursday, I’d set up a meeting to talk with Brian and Vince. They’d show up together. Late. And before I could open my mouth, they’d excitedly tell me about how they just went out of their way to help some child who needed help.
What could I say?
They had a knack for making you irritated and proud of them at the same time. It was their superpower.
Throughout our relationship, Vince made me proud to call him mentee, friend, and brother. And Brian, so have you, and I’m so proud to see the man you have become, and I loved the man Vince became.
Like you, I miss Vince deeply, and I still have difficulty accepting that he has passed away. But, in true Good Fellas fashion, I want to make you, all of you, an offer you can’t refuse. I can hear Vince’s laugh as I say that. I pray that somehow, all of us who knew him will rally around the fact that his greatest gift was the ability to make other people feel special. What if we used that as a means to honor him through how we live and how we treat each other -- like Vince did. We are his legacy. We are all better human beings for knowing him. What if all of us who knew and loved Vince turned our sadness and grief into energy to help people? That would be a beautiful thing, and I'm sure Vince is already networking up in Heaven to convince the angels to support all of our efforts.
Start now by turning to your neighbor and saying “You matter and I love you.”
Vince, you mattered and we love you. You will never be forgotten. We will honor you through our actions.
Rest easy Good Fella.
And finally, to the Sharps family. Especially Vinnie, or as Vince used to say, “Mini Me,” We love you and we are all here for you now and forever.
High School Teacher at Boston Public Schools
10moThank you for sharing this. I knew Vince from many years of working with him at the print shop. You're right, we all have too many stories we would want to share of the light that he shone on us and the world around him. Missing him big-time today on his birthday.
Group Director @ CMS | Occupational Therapist, Public Policy, Value-based Payment, Quality Measure Development, Medicare, Medicaid, Pet Therapy, Hippotherapy
1yMoving tribute. Vince was a beautiful human who positively impacted the lives of so many. Gone too soon. Rest in peace, old friend.