Unleashing the Art of TEDx Speaking with Fervour!!
I first experienced the magic of a TEDx talk in 2012. I've always had a fascination with the art of public speaking, with its roots firmly grounded in my father's spellbinding storytelling ability.. My adoration for public speaking began in the cradle of my childhood, where my father's narratives enveloped my universe. His command over words, his unparalleled storytelling skills, his magnetic ability to pull his listeners into his tales were a wonder to behold. Each tale he spun would unravel new, awe-inspiring perspectives, a trait that thrived not only in him but resonated within my paternal lineage, each one a weaver of fascinating tales. These were the roots of communication - the art of storytelling, and I fell in love with it.
The sterile world of scientific presentations often alienated me. These presentations, shrouded in layers of esoteric data, only comprehensible to the presenter, yearned for context, a soul. I sought a medium that breathed life into these numbers, transforming them into narratives, into people. TEDx was the beacon of light that illuminated this path, giving a voice to these ideas. It presented a masterful distillation of complex notions into eloquent, succinct narratives that held its essence, held the listeners spellbound, all within an 18-minute capsule.
Over the years, leaders and speakers who spoke with raw, unbridled passion have ignited the embers of inspiration within me. True passion is organic; it emanates from a deep-rooted interest in the topic and the ability to create resonating connections with the audience. The charisma of a former Prime Minister of Pakistan was such that his passionate words rallied his audience, cementing their commitment to the cause. His impassioned cry, ‘laro gey larein gey, maro gey marain gey’ (will you fight…he questions the audience; we will fight reply the audience; will you die for the cause – he asks the audience , we will die for the cause reply the audience’, all in Urdu), will forever echo in my memory.
The sage advice of my mentor, "let your work carve your legacy," etched itself in my mind. It propelled me on a quest for self-fulfillment, driving me to hone my niche areas and utilize my fervor for public speaking to broadcast a meaningful message across the globe.
The TEDx platform has ushered in a tidal wave of remarkable stories, unique perceptions, and groundbreaking ideas. It has presented ordinary individuals, brimming with extraordinary narratives, the chance to echo their voices across the globe. An opportunity that may have remained a distant dream without this platform.
The TED legacy, an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, began as a humble nonprofit endeavor dedicated to the dissemination of ideas through potent, short talks lasting no more than 18 minutes. Since its inception in 1984, TED's influence has burgeoned, encompassing a myriad of topics across 110 languages.
TEDx, an offspring of TED's noble mission to spread "ideas worth spreading," bolstered independent organizers' endeavors to recreate the TED experience within their local community. This ethos gave birth to the TEDx Program, a tool to incite dialogues and connections through local TED-like experiences. Planned and coordinated independently under a free license granted by TED, TEDx events are a vibrant amalgamation of live presentations and TED Talk videos, kindling profound conversations at the local level.
Since 2019, I have had the privilege of delivering five TEDx talks. It took me three years to seize my first TEDx speaking opportunity. When individuals casually inquire about the art of delivering a TEDx talk, I invite them to join me on a journey. A journey that takes hours to traverse because delivering a TEDx talk is not merely an act - it's an art, a science, a learning curve, and a voyage. It demands unwavering commitment, not for personal fame or self-projection, but to reverberate a genuine message to a global audience. Unfortunately, several TEDx talks remain under the radar, gathering less than a thousand views, often due to an insipid message, lack of understanding of public speaking nuances, poor marketing, or ineffective event organization.
Please find below the pinnacle ingredients to a passionate TEDx Talk:
1. The Power of an Idea: The most pivotal element to remember is to embrace 'an idea worth spreading'. This idea need not break fresh ground. Indeed, it could be an existing concept seen through a fresh, innovative lens. The discovery of such an idea is critical. It's important to study similar TEDx talks rigorously to ensure your idea brings something new to the table, rather than echoing established viewpoints.
In the year 2017, I found myself intrigued by the world of Social Media and its profound effects on mental health. This seed of curiosity took two years of careful nurturing before it bloomed into a robust idea that I was ready to present at TEDx events. This process required a projection of my idea in various forums - local communities, meetings, and conferences. The idea was then finely crafted into a script that would captivate my audience.
As the years rolled by, I honed specific areas of interest, pledging to bring each to the TEDx platform. These areas of specialization include Social Media and Mental Health, Gaming and Mental Health, Compassionate and Transformational Leadership, and the intricate realms of Autism and ADHD.
2. The Art of Application: It's a common misconception that TEDx event organizers exclusively handpick their speakers. This is rarely the case, unless we are referring to colossal events. The standard procedure involves applying for a TEDx slot, by which time you should have a fully conceptualized idea and a structured blueprint of your talk. Each TEDx event features distinct stages of selection, from long listing and short listing to the interview stage, and in certain instances, a preliminary presentation of your talk.
Throughout my journey, I've sought out speaking opportunities at nearly 20 global events, achieving shortlist status in approximately 80% of these instances, with a final acceptance into the coveted speaker's spot in about a quarter of them.
The TEDx application process can prove challenging. Typically, one must visit the TEDx events site to discover local or global happenings. While some events maintain dedicated websites, others do not. In such scenarios, I usually identify the organizers and attempt to connect with them through LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Unanswered responses can be frequent, but the key lies in persistent pursuit.
It's critical to ensure that you possess a well-defined idea or a plan for your talk before you set out to apply. I distinctly recall my application for TEDx Southampton, where they invited me for a rehearsal in just two days. Fortunately, I had prepared a script since I had been nurturing my idea and sharing it at various meetings. Though I made it through the shortlisting phase, my talk was ultimately rejected in the final panel meeting. However, this led to a golden opportunity at TEDxSevenoaks, where I delivered what turned out to be my most viewed talk on autism titled 'The Superhumans That Exist Amongst Us.' This talk resonated with viewers worldwide, accumulating nearly half a million views on YouTube.
3. The Crucial Role of Public Speaking Skills: Having a compelling idea and a successful application do not inevitably assure a winning TEDx talk. The pivotal key lies in mastering the art of public speaking. Despite my own decade-long experience as a debater and speaker, I had to acknowledge that it wasn't sufficient. As I have stressed before, public speaking is not merely a talent; it's a methodical skill and a craft.
How do you captivate your audience? How do you stun them? There's a notable likelihood that if you haven't seized your audience's attention within the first 30 seconds, you risk losing them. No matter how exceptional your talk may be thereafter, winning them back is a formidable task.
I recall a period of pouring over numerous books, scrutinizing countless videos, yet finding no significant improvement. However, in those early years, one book that profoundly impacted me was 'How to Start with an Earthquake?'. From the outset, I sought various ways to charm my audience, employing visually striking slides in PowerPoints, or crafting meticulously worded scripts. Yet, I remained unaware of the fundamental science behind it all. The first time I truly began to understand the art of body language was during a specific training course.
In 2019, right before I began my TEDx applications, I chanced upon a course titled the 'Speak-up Challenge.' I instinctively signed up, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. As the pandemic dawned upon us, I attended this immersive face-to-face course, spanning over 12 weeks. The organizers had engaged performers, opera singers, and specialist speakers to teach the course. It comprehensively covered every aspect, from the delivery of the first sentence, body language, content hooks, use of gestures, the beginning, body, and end of the talk, to the optimal use of the podium. It was a diverse training ground that included lawyers, singers, public speakers, and culminated in a showcase event where every participant presented a topic for five minutes. This experience was nothing short of transformative.
4. Crafting the Narrative (Script): As soon as an idea implants itself in my mind, I set the gears of script-writing into motion. In certain instances, I prefer to let the idea simmer, fermenting in my thoughts before pouring it onto paper. This process of mental brewing allows me to carefully organize the narrative, leading it to its impactful conclusion. My belief lies in unleashing a raw, unfiltered script in a single, spontaneous stroke of inspiration, which, as I collaborate with my coaches, continues to evolve, grow, and refine.
My final script is usually the product of a multitude of drafts—on average, about ten revisions, with the ultimate version solidified a fortnight before the main event.
My advice? Carve out your stories separately. I'm a firm believer in the power of narratives, richly interwoven with facts and evidence, making the talk more relatable, more human. So, pen down your stories independently, and then stitch them into the script where they fit best, creating a seamless tapestry of personal experiences and hard-hitting truths. This way, your talk doesn't just inform—it resonates.
5. TEDx Mentors: The linchpin of any talk, irrespective of its scale, is the content. If the material lacks accuracy or is dubious, it may jeopardize your credibility. Should you choose to include scientific backing, the TEDx organizers demand rigorous evidence. Invoking the names of corporate giants is generally discouraged due to potential legal implications. Therefore, it's imperative that your content passes through meticulous scrutiny.
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To this end, I always work with two TEDx mentors, each one specializing in a different aspect of the presentation: content and delivery. These advisors play a crucial role in my personal and professional evolution. They provide me with insights into the intricacies of language and effective strategies to enhance my talk's impact using non-verbal cues such as eye contact, body language, strategic pauses, and deliberate hand gestures.
Investing in TEDx mentors can be a substantial expense, often ranging from $3,000 to $4,000. Occasionally, TEDx organizers offer mentorship programs, which include a few monthly sessions and rehearsals. However, such opportunities are not universally available. Despite the investment, the knowledge and skills gained from these experts are invaluable, helping you polish your performance and ensure that your idea truly makes an impact.
6. Practice: The cornerstone of any successful presentation is relentless practice. Some seasoned orators might spend up to a year, clocking an average of 300 hours in rehearsal, honing their talks to perfection. Their delivery becomes so ingrained, so second nature, that it effortlessly unfolds on stage, leaving room for subtle on-the-spot adjustments. I typically dedicate about three months to prepare for a TEDx talk.
I find it invaluable to rehearse with a diverse audience - my family, colleagues, friends, and a cohort of TEDx speakers. Honest, no-holds-barred feedback is key, though not every critique needs to be taken on board unless it genuinely enhances your presentation. Practice doesn't have to be a rigid, set-aside time; it can seep into your daily routine. I often rehearse while driving, commuting on public transport, or taking a leisurely walk. In my quest for a flawless presentation, I've even found myself absorbing the script so thoroughly that it filters into my dreams.
Word choice is crucial in crafting a powerful talk. A fancy, uncommon word might disrupt your speech's natural flow. Be inventive, seek out other synonyms until the rhythm feels just right. Practicing isn't merely about repetition; it's about refining your message until it can be delivered in the most engaging and impactful way.
7. The Red Dot: This vibrant, scarlet circle is an essential fixture of all TEDx talks. It can manifest as a mat or even a virtual, circular, crimson spotlight. This bold emblem delineates your movement space during your presentation, a boundary you shouldn't cross. The Red Dot is more than a mere aesthetic; it's an integral element of your performance, a pivot around which your narrative revolves. It is vital to factor in the Red Dot during rehearsals, choreographing your movement within its defined limits, to ensure your talk is as dynamic as the red circle itself.
8. The Naming of Your Discourse (The Title of your Talk):
This component of a TEDx talk wields enormous significance. The title serves as a magnet, drawing the audience into the orbit of your talk; it functions as a compelling hook. It should pique interest, shroud itself in mystery or exude an irresistible allure. I found myself embroiled in a three-month-long deliberation before I landed upon the title for my first TEDx talk. During a rehearsal session with my ADHD coach, she ingeniously plucked the phrase 'From Homosapiens to FOMOsapiens' from my discourse, and so it became the title of my talk.
I invariably allocate substantial thought to the crafting of a title. The title of my most recent TEDx talk in Las Vegas is 'When Order and Anarchy co-exist-Autism and ADHD living in Symbiosis'. This title has elicited immense interest and is cherished by my patients. Several professionals have lauded the choice of titles, suggesting they hold the potential to serve as perfect monikers for books I may pen in the future. This appreciation has encouraged me to consider copyrighting them, cementing them as ingenious footprints of my journey.
9. Facing & Engaging Your Audience: Maintain an aura of ease and tranquillity. Do not tether your gaze to a single individual; instead, sweep your glance across all four corners of the auditorium, making each person feel seen and engaged. Ensure your eye contact is firm and leaves a lasting impression. Each word that slips from your lips should be echoed in the language of your body. Your physical expressions should enhance your story, merging seamlessly into the flow, rather than jarring the narrative.
Your movement on stage should be thoughtful and precise, contained within the boundaries of the Red Dot (the Red mat). Allow yourself to stride with purpose, to pivot with poise, but always within the designated space.
And remember, silence can speak volumes. Deliberate and timed pauses should punctuate your speech, for sometimes, the potency of a pause can outshine the spoken narrative. Utilize them judiciously and their impact can resonate far beyond your words.
10. The Ensemble: The ensemble you choose should act as a visual echo of your topic; your attire becomes a silent ally, augmenting the theme of your discourse. I vividly recall my talk on 'Gaming,' where I embraced a more casual look - donning jeans, a comfortable jumper, and a beanie cap - a nod to the laid-back culture of gamers. On the other hand, for my presentation on 'Autism,' I chose a more formal attire: a vibrant pink shirt offset by a navy blue blazer, the colors symbolizing the vibrancy and depth associated with Autism. It's essential to give due consideration to your attire, for it subtly enhances the resonance of your message and leaves a visual imprint in your audience's mind.
11. Bracing for the Momentous Occasion: Treat this day with the reverence it deserves, for it can be the platform from which your ideas can radiate across the globe or profoundly impact an individual's life. Meticulous rehearsal is indispensable, incorporating vocal exercises to ease your vocal chords, paving the way for an effortless delivery of your talk.
Make the stage a familiar terrain in your mind. If feasible, physically stand on the stage and deliver your talk to an empty hall, making the unknown familiar. On the day, maintain an air of tranquillity, and carry a tangible copy of your talk. I have a penchant for mine to be highlighted, underscored, well-thumbed, and dog-eared, but everyone's preference varies.
On the day of the talk, arrange for your personal entourage. While most TEDx events employ a professional photographer, my coaches recommended having someone in my corner. My most memorable experience was at TEDxSevenoaks. Each speaker was allocated a dressing room with an en-suite bathroom. My nephew shadowed me, recording candid behind-the-scenes footage while I was rehearsing. This content garnered instant popularity on various social media platforms, adding another layer of engagement with the audience.
12. Following the Event: The day succeeding the event holds paramount importance, acting as the launchpad for broadcasting your behind-the-scenes photos and videos on your social media platforms. This media release initiates an air of excitement and anticipation among your followers and prospective audience for when the talk is officially launched. Remember to employ pertinent hashtags; when synergized with the algorithms, they can amplify your reach beyond your wildest dreams.
13. The Talk's Online Premiere: My mentor always advised me to clear my schedule the day following the online release of my talk on YouTube. A well-constructed plan is crucial during this phase. This includes having a comprehensive list of all contacts you wish to email, social media groups you're a part of, individuals to tag, and if possible, leveraging the influence of celebrity acquaintances to broadcast the talk. Ensure that your posts are prepared beforehand, accompanied by a compelling narrative linked with your talk.
Bear in mind, your audience now transcends those who attended your talk in person – you are addressing a global audience. To truly gauge the impact and reach of your talk, effective marketing and branding are indispensable.
In Conclusion:
Delivering a powerful TEDx talk is by no means a small feat. It demands dedication, enthusiasm, conviction, and a burning passion to convey your message to audiences far and wide. Now, when I am seated in my clinic and a patient references one of my TEDx talks, a sense of profound pride engulfs me. It confirms that my message has not only been heard, but also understood by those who need it the most.
So, my friends, embark on this journey with passion and determination. Strive to share your unique message with the world, and believe in the power of your words to enlighten and inspire. Happy speaking!
Personal Impact and Presentation Skills Speaker working with ambitious Business Leaders and Teams | Keynote Speaker | Event MC | Public Speaking Trainer | Confidence Coach
1yGreat article, Khurram; extremely comprehensive and valuable for aspiring TEDx speakers. I really admire your dedication to the craft of speaking and your commitment to sharing your thought-leadership with a global audience.
Global Marketing Manager, digital solutions at Avery Dennison | Driving supply chain traceability | B2B, SaaS marketing | Sustainability and circularity leadership | MBA
1y👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 very well summarized and narrated… this is a great step-by-step guide for aspiring TEDx speakers Khurram Saadiq