Use a little common sense...
Today is ‘Use Your Common Sense Day’. Flippant and throw-away as something to recognise but the sentiment it carries … there are big things to discuss!
When ‘an ending’ comes around the bend - a deadline, a client programme, a holiday - the ol’ fight-or-flight response kicks in because the unknown is coming! This in turn makes our best friend common sense turn tail and run like the proverbial wind.
Literally straight outta the door leaving us unsure of what to do next, possibly panicking that the world will indeed come to an end if we ‘don’t do the right thing’.
I’ve had precisely this feeling over the last few weeks. Going into and out of the October half-term holiday with a couple of lovely clients but sitting down as you read this with a completely empty work diary.
Yes, I know; how can I not be fully booked?!
The feeling that comes with this can only be described as discombobulation. The snow globe has been shaken and the world around me is cloudy and grey. It’s at this point when my brain will go:
“Right, Tom. Do something logical. Put a strategy together and then go, go, go!”
Nice one, brain! That’s all well and good but when I’m stressing because I’ve got no invoices waiting to be paid the ‘strategy’ tends to be something weird and wild because ‘what I was doing hasn’t gotten clients so I have to reinvent the wheel’.
Total nonsense I know. But as soon as I get into that mode of thinking common sense is gone. Done. Dead. I’ve probably spilled a drink on its nice clean shirt and it’s gone off in a huff.
I have a mantra for myself:
“You’ve been here before and you will be here again. Don’t panic. Don’t worry. Go with your gut. Do something.”
I call on this time and time again to make sure my common sense comes back and sits with me. I know what to do. I know that as long as I look beyond today - possibly even lunchtime, TBH - and I put some sensible effort in the ‘right’ thing will come down the path and I’ll be moving again.
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You might have seen the Strategy Surgery details I put out on Halloween. This was my common sense saying ‘You’ve got this’.
Taking something I have and know works for people and shouting about it in a way that is timely and relevant. I hadn’t planned to take it beyond some personalised offers I made earlier in the week but, when my common sense brain said “Tom, everyone could benefit from this.” I decided to run with it.
It’s not easy to hear the voice of common sense when it’s up and left. You might just have to call it back in; be very nice to it - braid its hair or something. However you do it remember that you do know what you’re doing and you can keep moving forward.
Don’t overthink it.
Don’t panic.
Go with your gut.
Do something.
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