The Validation Phase: A Key Step In Building A Strong Business Foundation
Last week we talked about my business fears that I had to overcome when venturing out on my own and starting my own company. More important and more impactful than the decision itself of going out and starting a business was the validation phase.
The validation phase was when I started telling my friends and family about my business idea and started getting feedback. This was in my opinion the most important part of starting a business because it's the phase where you generate excitement and buy in.
Do not underestimate the power and importance of the validation phase. It was in this phase I met with some of my earliest friends who ultimately became my first clients. They were so excited for me and the vision I had for the company that served a dual purpose. It was an inspiring experience for me generating a fire and passion that fueled the birth of my company.
It also generated a shared experience where I became so aligned with the customer and motivated to be a success not only for myself and my family but for my clients as well. When that happens it's magical and rare. Clients feel that level of dedication and its so real, so tangible that it is contagious and for me it really drove the initial word of mouth that spread and started driving growth in the business.
All this happened before I had a defined, tangible brand and logo. You do not need a brand, name or logo before generating excitement and value to your clients.
Here are some things to consider when thinking about starting your own business.
For me all of this fell into place without me even realizing that it was happening. That is rare and I consider myself lucky for allowing my passion flow through me, through my business and through to my clients.
When starting your business make sure to not undervalue the validation phase.