Virtual Talent Show @ShujaBITS
Everybody loves Talent Shows.
Last Friday 21st August 2020. We enjoyed the " Virtual Talent Show at ShujaBITS Infotech Solutions Private Limited". We always watch television for some talent shows at weekends. So the thought came from this- "Why not we in the organization?''
This pandemic taught us to be effective and collaborative while working from home. To keep our teammates active and happy we always try to get some new activities which help us to stay connected along with new learnings from each other.
Its was a very good and creative experience. Everybody took it as an opportunity to show us and team members for their talents and creativity at the same time. The purpose of this activity was not only to enjoy but to learn about your teammates and show your best talent which many others are not aware of.
We invited all our associates and sent across the invitation to perform like no one watching. We have included some ideas for our team to make their talent to shine. We also observed that they started analysing how much they are good in other things along with writing codes.
Each of us got the time for 2-3 minutes to perform it. We implemented it by using a basic online spinner, stopwatch and happy that, we at ShujaBITS not only have technically skilled people but also have lots of cultural and creative talents
What did we enjoy?
Calligraphy, Sketch, Stand-up Comedy, beautiful songs, Storytelling and many more..!
Let me share two of them-
It's a memorable activity.
Soon we will be back with some more exciting and enjoyable activities ShujaBITS Infotech Solutions Private Limited.
Stay Safe and Stay Home.