Water Quality and Management in Poultry Operations
Water Quality and Management in Poultry
Water is the most important nutrient for poultry; survival time is limited in its absence. Birds can survive for longer periods without any other nutrient than they can survive without water.
Water quality management generally involves the authorization of discharges of dangerous substances for which monitoring of discharges of effluents to surface water is essential.
Although water is regarded as the most essential nutrient, it is impossible to state its exact requirements. Birds generally drink approximately twice as much water as the amount of feed consumed on a weight basis. During periods of extreme heat stress, water requirements may easily quadruple.
Although the importance of providing a sufficient amount of water or adequate access to it is well accepted, the importance of water quality on performance is often overlooked. Water quality attributes can have a direct or indirect effect on performance. High levels of bacterial contaminants, minerals, or other pollutants in drinking water can have detrimental effects on normal physiological properties resulting in inferior performance.
Water quality can be evaluated by a number of criteria. It can be difficult, however, to describe good quality drinking water for poultry because many of the standards have been derived from recommendations for other species of animals or from human standards. In many cases, guidelines have been established based on mortality and not deficiencies in performance. Submitting a water sample annually for analysis should be an important part of good water management. The results of the analysis should be interpreted appropriately to determine the proper course of action. The following are some of the most important factors that influence water quality.
What are the 6 main indicators of water quality?
They include dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). They also include measures of toxicants such as insecticides, herbicides and metals.
Color, Taste, Odor
Drinking water should be clear, tasteless, odorless, and colorless. As a general observation, a reddish-brown color may indicate the presence of iron, while a blue color indicates the presence of copper. Hydrogen sulfide is indicated by a rotten egg odor. Hydrogen sulfide may also combine with iron to form black water (iron sulfide) that may also implicate the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Taste can be affected by the presence of salts, and a bitter taste is usually associated with the presence of ferrous and manganese sulfates.
The presence of microorganisms is typically a result of surface contamination by organic materials and can result in poor performance. The presence of coliform bacteria is generally related to fecal contamination of drinking water due to runoff to surface or ground waters. Ideally, bacterial contaminants should not be present in drinking water and measurable levels should be zero. Disinfection of the water supply can eliminate bacterial contaminants. Samples taken for bacterial testing should be obtained in a sterile manner and may need to be taken at the source and at strategic points to localize any problems. These sample need to be delivered to a testing facility within 24 hours of the sample being drawn.
The acidity or alkalinity of water is measured by pH. A pH of 7 indicates that the water is neutral, a pH less than 7 indicates acidity, and a pH greater than 7 indicates alkalinity. Low pH water can be unpalatable, corrosive to equipment, and may have a negative impact on performance. High pH water is also unacceptable since it reflects high levels of calcium and magnesium, which can clog watering systems. Poultry accept water on the acid side better than they accept water on the alkaline side. The pH of private wells may vary greatly even in the same county. Municipal water systems tend to have a higher pH up to 9.0 .
Turbidity results from the suspension of materials such as silt, clay, algae or organic materials in water. Levels of turbidity above 5 ppm result in unpalatable water and indicate surface contamination. Turbid water can be filtered to remove particular contaminants and prevent clogged water lines. Tannins occur in water in almost any location where large quantities of vegetation have decayed. Tannins can impart a faintly yellowish to brown color to water.
Total Dissolved Solids
Measurement of total dissolved solids (TDS), or salinity, indicates levels of inorganic ions dissolved in water. Calcium, magnesium, and sodium salts are the primary components that contribute to TDS. High levels of TDS are the most commonly found contaminants responsible for causing harmful effects in poultry production. Table 1 provides guidelines suggested by the National Research Council (1974) for the suitability for poultry water with different concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS), which are the total concentration of all dissolved elements in the water.
Hardness refers to the presence of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium in either bicarbonate or sulfate form and is expressed as an equivalent of calcium carbonate. It measures the tendency of water to precipitate soap and form scale. Hard water is commonly associated with the buildup of deposits and the formation of scale in the components of the watering system. Hardness is not commonly harmful to poultry unless certain ions are present in toxic amounts. High levels of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) may cause an increase in water consumption, wet droppings, and a drop in production. Extreme hardness may diminish the effectiveness of water-administered medications, disinfectants, and cleaning agents.
Water Treatments
Various methods are available that can reduce or eliminate the impurities that adversely affect water quality. Options include the following.
CHLORINATION. Chlorination is the most common method used to treat water for bacterial contamination and effectively eliminate bacteria from the water supply. Chlorine can be administered through an in-line proportioner. General recommendations are to have a level of 2 to 3 ppm at the drinker farthest from the proportioner. Chlorine levels can be easily monitored using a pool test kit.
Guidelines for Chlorination
Do not chlorinate market age birds under extreme heat stress.
Measure residual chlorine at the waterer to maintain at least a 1.0 ppm level at the drinker mid-house.
Discontinue chlorination and administer powdered milk solution before vaccination to neutralize chlorine since chlorine kills vaccines.
Use caution since chlorine solutions are acidic and often oxidize soft rubber.
Use water softening equipment to reduce hardness. Most softening equipment uses ion exchange to effectively remove the calcium and magnesium ions and replace them with sodium ions. Levels of TDS, however, are simply substituted and increases in sodium concentration of the water occur, possibly to unacceptable levels. Poultry are generally sensitive to increases in sodium levels, so producers should be judicial in their selection and use of water softening equipment.
Polyphosphates are chemical compounds used primarily to prevent the buildup of scale in the watering systems. They act to cause mineral contaminants to go into solution more readily.
ELECTRICAL/MAGNETIC DEVICES. Electrical or magnetic devices keep minerals associated with scale buildup in solution by altering their electrical charges.
Water Consumption
Before beginning the discussion of quality, it may be well to consider briefly how much water animals consume.
Factors in Water Quality
Waters with alkalinities of less than 1,000 ppm are considered satisfactory for all classes of livestock and poultry. Above that concentration they are probably unsatisfactory, although for adults they may do little harm at concentrations less than about 2,500 ppm unless carbonates are present in excess over bicarbonates.
Although hard water may cause stains, leave residues, or cause other physical problems in water-handling equipment, hard water has not been demonstrated to have either a positive or negative impact on poultry performance. In treating hard water that is to be used as drinking water poor poultry, however, care should be taken not to increase any existing chemical imbalance in the water.
Naturally Occurring Chemicals
A large number of chemicals occur naturally in well water. They are usually present in amounts that do not interfere with the metabolism or digestive functions of chickens or turkeys. When the levels of certain chemicals are out of balance, however, they can –by themselves or in combination with other chemicals — affect poultry performance.
Functions of Water
Poultry producers need water for birds to drink, to reduce air temperature (includes evaporative cooling pad and fogging systems), and to clean and sanitize the facility. Broilers consume approximately 1.6 to 2.0 times as much water on a weight basis as feed. Water is a critical nutrient in bird metabolism and nutrition. From a physiology perspective, water consumed by the bird is used for nutrient transportation, enzymatic and chemical reactions in the body, body temperature regulation, and lubrication of joints and organs.
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There is a strong relationship between feed and water consumption, so water can be used to monitor flock performance. Many of the electronic controllers in poultry houses have the ability to monitor daily water consumption. A potential problem may exist if there is a sudden change in water intake. Bird uniformity between the front and back of the house can be monitored using water consumption. Water consumption will be greater in the area of the house that has more birds. When birds are not distributed evenly between the front and back of the house, increased competition for feed and water space and can reduce bird performance.
Factors Affecting Water Consumption
Several factors affect water consumption:
Bird Age: Water consumption increases with age but decreases as a percentage of body weight.
Environmental Temperature/Heat Stress: Birds consume more water as temperature increases. One of the main ways birds regulate body temperature is to remove heat from the body by evaporating water through the respiratory system during panting. As birds pant, water is lost and needs to be replaced in order to maintain body water balance. Water consumption can double and even triple during periods of heat stress. Water consumption in broilers increases approximately 7 percent for each degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature. A study at the University of Georgia examined the relationship of feed consumption to water consumption of seven consecutive flocks on a commercial broiler farm. As temperatures increased, the water consumed per pound of feed consumed also increased (Table 1).
Effects of providing cool water to birds during hot weather. In most of these studies, water temperature has improved the performance of broilers and layers. Any water temperature below the body temperature of the bird will be beneficial. The water consumed will help dissipate body heat temperature. In commercial operations, however, air speed is the most effective way to keep birds cool. Water is difficult to cool significantly and economically when it is moving hundreds of feet down a house.
Electrolytes: During periods of potential heat stress, many producers supplement drinking water with electrolytes. Electrolytes are certain minerals that can be found in the blood and are important for normal cell function and growth. Electrolytes, as the name implies, help regulate nerve and muscle function by conducting electrical signals from nerves to muscles. Electrolytes are also important for the acid-base balance of the blood and fluid retention. Some of the electrolytes found in blood plasma include sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), bicarbonate (HCO3) and sulfate (SO4). The addition of the electrolytes not only replenishes those depleted during heat stress, it also stimulates water consumption. When the results of these are added together (electrolytes and increased water consumption), the mortality due to heat stress can be reduced.
Lighting Programs: Light is another environmental factor that can influence bird water consumption. In operations that use lighting programs, two distinct water consumption peaks can be observed. The first peak is just after the lights come on (dawn), and the second is just prior to lights turning off (dusk). In Figure 3, the water consumption actually starts to drop about an hour prior to the lights turning off. This indicates that the birds are anticipating the upcoming dark period and activity in the house has already begun to decline.
The correlation of water consumption with feed intake and many environmental factors indicate its importance in bird metabolism and body function. Efforts should be made in all poultry operations to ensure that adequate and unlimited access to water is provided. Failure in doing so will result in poor egg production, reduced growth, and reduced feed efficiency.
Water Quality
All poultry operations should be concerned about water quality. Poor water quality may interfere with digestion and subsequent bird performance. The effectiveness of vaccines and medications administered through the water lines could be reduced when water quality is poor. Water contaminants could create equipment problems that would either restrict the amount of water available for consumption or affect the evaporative cooling and fogging systems. Reduced water consumption or cooling capacity would have detrimental effects on both growth and reproduction.
Poor water quality could also cause leaky water nipples inside the house, which will wet litter and lead to increased ammonia production. Poor litter quality and high levels of ammonia can cause reduced performance and livability.
Standards for water quality should include factors that affect taste, solid buildup within water systems, and toxicity. Factors that should be observed for poultry production include, but are not limited to:
Water is colorless, and any color in the water may indicate an increased contamination level.
Particles such as clay, silt, sand or organic matter in suspension can cause the water to appear cloudy or muddy. Turbid water can cause leaky nipples and clog fogging nozzles.
Calcium and magnesium salts cause the water to be “hard” and can lead to scale and sludge buildup within water lines. Hardness reduces the effectiveness of soaps and disinfectants and interferes with the administration of some medications.
Iron (Fe):
Iron will stain almost everything it contacts, and it is a common water quality issue. Recent studies indicate that iron in the water does not appear to affect poultry health, but some of the iron may form solid particulates such as iron oxide, which can lead to equipment problems. These small particles can cause leaky nipples and block fogging nozzle openings. Either of these conditions can have negative impacts on poultry production. Iron bacteria are more likely to thrive in water with high iron concentrations. As a result, biofilm buildup can occur, which can obstruct nipple drinkers and promote pathogen proliferation.
Manganese (Mg):
While manganese itself does not cause a negative effect on poultry health, like iron, it can form solid particulates that can cause leaky nipples and clog foggers.
Nitrate-N (N):
Elevated nitrate concentrations indicate decaying organic material. It has been correlated with poor oxygen use in animals, but recent studies observed no differences in broiler performance with nitrate levels as high as 600 ppm. Presence of nitrate is a good indicator that water should be checked for bacteria.
The pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. A scale from 0-14 is used to measure pH. A value of 7.0 is neutral, values below 7.0 are acidic and values greater than 7.0 are basic. A pH of 6.0 to 6.8 is preferred for broiler production, but birds can tolerate a pH range of 4 to 8. A pH range of greater than 8 could cause reduced water consumption.
Caused by calcium carbonate, bicarbonate or sulfate. High alkalinity increases the buffering capacity of water.
Total solids:
Total solids represent the total amount of solid material in both suspension and solution. Total solids are not directly linked to any poultry health issues, but equipment function and water delivery could be nega-tively affected by total solids, which could influence bird performance.
Toxic compounds:
The amount will vary depending on the compound, but elements such as lead, selenium and arsenic should be kept below 1.0 ppm to prevent bird health problems as well as residues.
Dissolved oxygen:
Normal ground water concentrations have little or no dissolved oxygen. Concentrations greater than zero indicate possible surface water influence.
Keep bacteria levels to a minimum (Table 2).
Water Management Tips
Agriculturist || Animal Scientist || God's Servant
8moVery concise... Would you happen to know how to use chlorine tablets for water disinfection, the dosage and the frequency as in how long it should be used before discontinuing?
1ygreat article
chief operating officer at Chemiaa enterprises.lahore Pakistan
2yWe have kemocy that oxides wayer
Poultry farm supervisor at Zubair Feeds (Pvt) Ltd. (Formally SB Feeds)