Watercolor, the Medium for Painting Life
Among the various painting techniques, watercolor stands out as one of the most challenging to master. It requires great courage to delve into this domain, knowing that the resulting paintings, with their soothing and fluid nature, may not possess the flashy and bold appeal of oil or acrylic art.
However, watercolor has a unique quality that sets it apart from other methods—a quality that resonates with the essence of life itself.
"The uniqueness of the life & watercolor "
Its first remarkable attribute lies in its inherent singularity. No two watercolor paintings can ever be exact copies. Such replication is simply impossible. Even if the original artist were commissioned to recreate a work, it would be out of the question. Even the closest resemblances, when observed under a microscope, reveal distinct differences.
The texture created by the dyes penetrating the damp paper is a quality that eludes replication.
This intrinsic uniqueness of watercolor mirrors the uniqueness of our individual lives. Life unfolds just once, never to be repeated. It becomes either a masterpiece or a mere blip of insignificance shaped by our own creation. It symbolizes the distinctive nature of each person's journey.
Your life is your canvas, and it is your responsibility to paint it well. You cannot copy another's painting, and likewise, no one can replicate yours. Your life is your very own masterpiece.
"Fortune favors the bold"
Engaging in watercolor is a daring task precisely because there is no room for correction. This sets watercolor apart from other painting techniques and perhaps explains why it is one of the less frequently chosen methods. In other techniques, one can use an eraser (in pencil painting) or add a new layer (in oil or acrylic) to rectify any mistakes.
However, in watercolor, one has only a single chance to achieve the goal. It represents not just a chance to live but a chance to breathe life into one's dreams, to leave a footprint on this planet, and to embrace the opportunity for existence and self-discovery.
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"Life is a combination of surrender and determination"
Life, like watercolor, is a delicate balance of surrender and determination. The very reason that watercolor paintings cannot be replicated holds a profound philosophy about the art form.
At the microscopic level, the artist cannot fully control the movements of the paint on the dampened paper. While a skillful artist can influence these movements to some extent, complete control remains impossible.
Similarly, in life, we ultimately decide what we want to create, but we cannot entirely dictate the micro-structures that shape our journey.
This parallel between watercolor and life reflects the truth of our existence. We will paint what we choose, but the "how" is not entirely within our grasp. Not everything can be controlled. We must trust the subtle pathways that life reveals to us, guiding us towards our destination, for life embodies a harmonious blend of surrender and determination.