Web Development Trends To Keep An Eye On In 2023

Web Development Trends To Keep An Eye On In 2023

Web development took a giant leap forward in terms of innovation and trends during 2022, and the plethora of changes in the landscape are not going away anytime soon.

As web development and the digital realm become more and more integrated into our daily lives, even those who aren’t as familiar with the space, certainly will. The demand for web development is increasing, as is the need for consistent adaptation.

With that in mind, let's have a look at what the web development trends are looking like for 2023.


Artificial intelligence (AI)

Web developers have always been optimistic about AI, and with Metaverse on the horizon, the excitement is only set to grow.

AI has become an integral part of data analytics, and it can now perform operations more accurately than humans. AI can now even assign website creation tasks – how cool. The Grid is a new website with an AI web designer named Molly that includes everything you need to create a website that sells, including layout, branding, colours, and even content.

Even large corporations are relying on AI to improve their operations, from search engine optimisation for both Google and Facebook, to Meta to fixing faulty Wikipedia articles.  


Yarn package manager

Package managers are utilised by frontend JavaScript communities to make it easier for developers to install, update, configure, and uninstall modules within the application.

NPM and Bower are two examples, but Google and its partners are also working on Yarn, a promising package manager designed to address issues with NPM. Performance, security, and consistency will be among the issues it will focus on.

One advantage it offers is it ties up modules to a specific version within the project through lock files. One issue with NPM is that developers end up with two different versions of the same module, one of which works fine but the other does not.


Static website generators

Static websites are about to make a big comeback. These websites are made entirely of plain text. Among its benefits are increased loading speed, security, and ease of deployment.

With the recent growth of content delivery networks and APIs to assist with the ease of content and template deployment, many web developers believe static websites can be useful in addressing those needs.  


Angular 15 and beyond

Angular, the most popular front-end framework will also undergo significant changes in 2023. Changes to be expected include TypeScript-written applications, the adaption of JavaScript ES6 features, and a more component-driven architecture.

Not only that, but Angular developers are also now updating the framework twice a year, so, more changes and innovations are set to hit the market in the coming year. 


AI chatbots

AI-powered chatbots saw impeccable growth in 2022, and there is no stopping this new innovation from continuing to climb the innovation ladder.  

As backend developers seek to innovate their systems to retrieve and interpret complex information, language processing, and machine understanding and learning systems, the technology behind them will see significant growth.

Opportunities are in abundance for web developers, particularly those fluent in machine learning languages. AI chatbots are becoming more popular, and these systems will only make them even smarter.

In terms of usability, AI chatbots will undoubtedly remain, as the risk of COVID-19 is still prevalent. Instead, customer support and enquiries will be mainly handled online, with the promise of providing a better response than a typical support staff would.


Internet of Things (IoT)

The internet of things (IoT) has been around for a long time, but its application will expand immensely in 2023. IoT provides network connectivity to non-internet-connected objects, allowing them to send and receive data. Some examples include Amazon’s well-known Alexa, Google Home Voice Controller, and smart door locks.

Well, what role do web developers play within the IoT? This year these applications are being used to create IoT devices that collect and analyse data fed by and to them. APIs are now being created to allow developers to communicate with these IoT devices.

However, when it comes to IoT devices, safety should always be a top priority. This is one challenge that must be overcome – but as they say, change comes with time.


Web design evolution

Web design is an ever-changing field that is not set to leave anytime soon. These are some web design trends to watch out for in 2023.

The rise of movement-based interfaces is expected to gain traction in 2023 and will continue to be a key component for many websites. Hand-responsive interfaces could also be on the way real soon, which is exciting.  

While we are on the topic of responsive web designs, watch out for CSS container queries. They are set to become extremely popular in RWD (responsive website design).

In terms of design elements, bolder and larger typography will become the new standard. Users are looking for engaging and compelling ways to process their information, quickly. Which will elicit the rise of videos and other storytelling visuals.


Adaption of voice search optimisation

Did you know that 8 billion voice assistants will be in use around the world in 2023? This means that voice search optimisation will be a must for websites in 2023 in order for them to appear on voice searches.

Voice search will become an indispensable search partner for people on the internet, and websites must adapt.

In 2023, web development remains a promising field. And these are just a few of the changes that we can expect in the coming months. You should always be prepared for the next innovation! 

Web development questions? Our team has all the answers! Connect with us at www.elephantintheboardroom.com.au

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