What Do You Stand For?

What Do You Stand For?

First words...

Only hypcrites are welcome here

Yes, you read that right. Only those who know their darkness can ever embrace the Light.

Blessed are those who know their need of God
Matthew chapter 5 verse 3

You can check out a raft of translations and interpretations here:


But the starting point is this most important sermon recorded in the Bible: The Sermon on the Mount. Three chaptures of Divine Gold. And what does it start with? Humility and desperate need!

MORE THAN THAT... the FIRST words He says are that you aren't going anywhere unless you know your desperate need for God.

If there's any part of you that thinks you're some kind of spiritual hotshot, you are not welcome here; you won't fit in. Not in this tribe.

I saw someone described as "The Very Reverend" today. I thought you'd arrived when you were a "Rev" but there's clearly higher orders. I'm going to look that one up!

Fascinatingly, you won't find most Religious titles in the Scriptures. In fact, Jesus was most insistent that you didn't even call someone, "Teacher."

What Christianity 3.22 Stands For

It is easier to fall for anything
than to stand for something.

[Source: Sermonogram in a 1927 from a Methodist Church in an Iowa Newspaper.]

Christianity 3.22 applies the truth in 2 Scriptural assertions:

  • Faith without corresponding action is dead - defunct - irrelevant - out-of-date
  • You must know the Scriptures AND the Power of God

The Book of James was disliked by Martin Luther, the catalytic force for the formalisation of the Protestant Reformation. He asserted that we can only be saved by faith. He thought the Apostle James was sharing a gospel that said you were saved by Faith and Works. Clearly, he hadn't read James with unfiltered vision!

James is clear. If you have a genuine faith, there will be natural outworking of this faith.

Jesus made these outworking specific: look after those with less than you.

  • Feed the hungry
  • Quench the thirst of those who are thirsty
  • Hospitality to strangers
  • Cloth those who need clothes
  • Look after the sick
  • Visit those in prison.

That's the standard.

And NONE of this is beyond a tribe of hypocrites who put their mind to doing something worthwhile in order to feel good by doing good.

The Power of God is a little more challenging because that's up to Him!

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit was required before the disciples were allowed to minister after the Resurrection and Ascension. Jesus told them all to STAY until they were clothed with power from on high. The result was the Book of Acts!

However, the fulness of The Spirit (which is NOT a one off experience but a 'be- being-filled' daily experience) is open to all who believe.

That's enough for Newsletter One. If you're even remotely curious, subscribe to more heresy in your inbox each week!

John Atkins

Sales Director RHH Franks and Director at Stour Consultancy


Good to hear from you my friend, can't wait for the next chapter. Take care

Neil McKee

Neuro Change Mentor and advocate for Mental Wellbeing. TRANSFORMATIONAL trainer in Motivational Mapping, Mind Mapping, & TetraMapping - so you can master motivation, EQ, & influence. Author: The Accelerated Trainer 📕


I'm in... oh hang on, I wrote it...


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