What's LOVE Got to "Do" with it? {48}
November 27, 2020
Dear Sparrow,
Sometimes you have to fight. We’re fighting for our lives every day consciously, and subconsciously in hospital beds, within contracted and/or hereditary diseases that are out of our control. Presently COVID-19 is spread world wide taking lives, and there are individuals in hospitals again, fighting for their lives. Asthma attacks we're fighting for our lives. Alzheimer’s we're fighting for our lives. Dementia, we're fighting for our lives … all diseases, AIDS, HIV we're fighting for our lives. Loneliness due to this pandemic are causing some to fight for life.
There are times we have to fight, and we have to fight in love within our spirits, within our souls, because we know how beautiful life is. It’s power to pray within deep and heartfelt sincere prayer. It’s a necessity to pray in every waking moment of all days; every day, beginning middle and end. Simply, make it a part of our living to pray. Please do not be so consumed in the events of life we're faced with on a daily basis, but the adhere to the real beauty of life as we know it could be; however, embracing the purity of life itself, and that’s living in freedom every day. In addition, in order to live in freedom, there are times we have to fight to maintain it, to keep it, to soar it.
There is no room for giving up. Soar up instead. There is no room for fear, be fearless instead. We can be scared, we can be angry, that’s natural, especially in our humanly flesh; however, in our spiritual, our heavenly and holy spirit, we’re graced, we’re covered, we’re surrounded in love through and through by God as HE is love, and we are representing HIM as we are a reflection of HIM.
Again, I say to you sparrow, there are times we must fight. WE fight to stay sane, we fight when we scream, we fight when we know we have to practice self-care, we fight in love and spirit in wholeness. God is our everything, HE is our truth, displayed vividly through Christ Jesus; therefore, fight to be.
Fight to live.
Fight to love.
Simply fight when you must ... When your asthma attacks, fight. When Dementia and Alzheimer appear, fight. When you’re in an accident, fight. When you’re in a coma, fight. When you’ve been heartbroken, fight and do so in love. When you’ve been diagnosed with a disease, fight, because you know what? God has the final say, and as long as you know that truth, you believe in that truth, you live, walk, talk, breath, inhale, exhale that truth … then you know the power of fighting.
Choosing to fight for love, fighting for life, fighting to be a part of existence. Until you hear God’s voice call your name. That name you don’t even know you have yet, only the name that HE named you upon creating you. Not your earthly name, your heavenly name. That name, that part. Until you hear the sound of HIS voice in the beaconing of your ear, you are to be here; therefore, fight until you hear the call. Once HE calls, that’s when you fall in surrender only to soar up, raise up to the sound of HIS voice and no one else’s my sparrow.
Our creator is an on time God, and your every step is ordered, as every hair on your head is accounted for. Remain faithful through your power of prayer, because it is your super power when fighting. That’s your one way connection directly to God. Through HIS son Jesus.
If you're wondering what love has to do with fighting, I'll forever say, everything; therefore love yourself enough to fight in all aspects of your life. You’re worthy of it. Know it. Be it. Believe it. Trust it. Because HE has you. I believe in you, and I believe it's powerful when you can love and trust yourself by fighting. Amen.
Grace & Gratitude!
Valerie Miller