January always provides an opportunity to reflect on the previous year and set goals, intentions, and predictions for the year ahead. The digital landscape and the way people work is constantly changing and IT teams have to adapt in order to deliver exceptional experiences. So what, you may ask, are things we want to keep this year? And what do we want to leave in the past? Let's get into it.
- Proactive IT - Gone are the days of IT service desks waiting for incident reports from already frustrated employees, or at least those days should be behind us. Less than half of technology issues are reported to IT so your employees are likely suffering in silence. With Nexthink you're able to see, diagnose, and fix issues before they effect employee experience and productivity. Remember: if a ticket is submitted, it's already too late.
- AI & Automation - With skyrocketing popularity of publicly available AI tools like #ChatGPT and others in 2023, 2024 is sure to be the year where companies invest in AI solutions to save time and money. In combination AI and automation can handle mundane tasks of everyday work life and leave time for more strategic innovation. Enter Nexthink Assist and Nexthink Flow. Assist is the first AI-powered virtual assistant for digital employee experience which democratizes digital workplace observability by using large language models (#LLM) with Nexthink’s core technology and pre-trained “natural language to query” AI generative model to make IT investigations even easier to use with conversational, layman terms. Flow combines real-time, AI-powered data with a low code orchestration engine to continuously optimize complex workflows, monitor progress, handle exceptions, and ensure that all tasks are completed as intended.
- Upskilling - Investing in yourself and developing new skills is something we should all be focusing on. As new technology is developed to make our lives and our jobs easier, it provides an opportunity to develop both hard AND soft skills. Based on a report from
Vanson Bourne
, the second and fourth highest concern for IT leaders is AI displacing employees and upskilling requirements/pressures respectively. Now's the time to make sure you and your skills are indispensable. Not sure where to start? Nexthink offers a free DEX Management Certification and just launched two new modules: Building a Sustainable Digital Workplace and Agile DEX.
- Unnecessary Device Replacement - We all want what is new and shiny, but is it always necessary? No. When it comes to hardware refresh cycles, companies are likely replacing perfectly fine devices. Not only is that costly for your budget, but it's costly for the environment too. According to Nexthink data and research, only 2% of devices 3+ years old need replacing. As long as devices have the physically capabilities to perform your job, regular upkeep can extend device lives by 2+ years.
- Not Shutting Down Your Computer - An easy way to avoid device issues and conserve energy? Shut down your computer. Ideally we'd do this every day, but let's start with shutting it down every weekend. Turning off your device allows for updates to run through, saves energy, AND removes temptation to hop on and send a quick email. You need a break just as much as your device does.
🎧 Listen to Sam Gantner on
The DEX Show
talk about what's in for Nexthink's products this year.
Tata Consultancy Services
and Nexthink join forces to deliver best practices for building a sustainable enterprise.
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#SustainableIT #AI #automation #upskilling #proactiveIT