When is NOW a Good Time To Get Started?
No, it’s not a typo! All too often we have good, no, great intentions that we will get started tomorrow! It’s interesting so many will defer until tomorrow. Well, let’s ask the question has tomorrow arrived yet? If you keep putting things off, you are less than committed to then make a shift right now, make the commitment to get underway right now. Take a moment, what have you been putting off getting started? What has been the driving force behind not starting?
Are you a procrastinator, do you self sabotage, maybe have limiting beliefs that hold you back from making meaningful and significant decisions? Maybe it's simply fear that holds you back from making the meaningful life-changing decisions. In my professional pursuits as a coach, I often come across an apathy and fear for making decisions that will create shift or change, getting people out of their comfort zone. Especially if the outcome is going to offer significant growth, enrichment, betterment, progress to your next level or maybe just make you feel better?
Often you'll justify putting NOW off until tomorrow because you are just being lazy, non-committal, you feel sorry for yourself all of which is supported by your inner dialogue which is designed, by you, to stop you from being whom you are destined to be. You might find interesting the manner in which you respond as you read this. Are you a) dismissive or b) doh, that's what I do. My point here is when presented with an opportunity to make a difference NOW don't put it off, make a commitment. Oh, and it's not to commit to it tomorrow do something right NOW. get the message?
Interestingly at the point, a decision needs to be made be mindful of your excuses. Excuses often manifest at the point of a decision and on the face of it may seem rational. I just need to make sure I'm ready! I have to finish ......! I'll be better prepared or ready when ....! Now just isn't right and it needs to be right if I'm going to do this! I term this interFEARence, the white noise in your head which serves only to hold you back. Interestingly whilst you may truly feel committed something deep inside you gets in the way and holds you back.
Whatever you need to do to get underway get started now, don’t put it off. This does take courage, commitment and consistency. The courage to get underway knowing it may take you out of your comfort zone can be scary alone. Have the commitment to your journey and achieving what you want in life. You don't have an exhaustible amount of time and every time you defer a decision you lose that time, never to be reclaimed. Once you make a start stay true to yourself, be consistent and remain on track to complete what you set out to achieve.
Right NOW is the best time to get started. So, is there anything really stopping you?
About the Author
Steve Gaskell the 'Challenge Coach' is a High-Performance Business Coach who unlocks the high-performance potential in those he coaches. Author of 'Business Shouldn't be this Tough' he is also a keynote speaker with a focus on high-performance outcomes through coaching and also creating extreme ownership within organisations. A former Army Officer Steve understands the challenge and interFEARence faced by business owners, directors and executive in leadership and confronts them head-on to focus on unleashing true potential.
If you would like to unlock the potential in your organisation, leadership, team or yourself you can message Steve via his profile, call on 01392 927997 or email on stevegaskell@VSCcoaching.com.
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5yExcellent article!! Thanks Steve For sharing! #Learn #Innovate #Thrive #Trustworthy #KPC