When you live in a jar, you feel lid is your sky
Buddha was well known for his ability to respond to evil with good. There was a man who knew about his reputation and he traveled miles and miles and miles to test Buddha. When he arrived and stood before Buddha, he verbally abused him constantly; he insulted him; he challenged him; he did everything he could to offend Buddha. Buddha was unmoved, he simply turned to the man and said, “May I ask you a question?” The man responded with, “Well, what?” Buddha said, “If someone offers you a gift and you decline to accept it, to whom then does it belong?”The man said, “Then it belongs to the person who offered it.” Buddha smiled, “That is correct. So if I decline to accept your abuse, does it not then still belong to you?” The man was speechless and walked away.
There are various kinds of people in the world. The ones who are not easily accepting changes or new ideas just because it is different from what they are used to, and that might come most of the time from fear, the fear of the unknown, they might feel safer where they are and don't accept the thought of leaving their comfort zone. Or it might be just because they are stubborn, they take it as an ego issue and keep closed on what they have already in mind.
They are still stuck in medieval age books and ideologies (Religions, patriarchal - misogynistic culture, etc). They mistook liberalization and rationalism as westernization and foreign ideology rather than as progressive thinking. They believe in caste system that is nothing but racism inside same race considering the fact that Indians are mixed race! (No multiracial people in India? Not a problem we can still be racist!) Sex is still a taboo and people who consider sex as physical activity are outcasts from mainstream society. Too many people without proper education. Never heard about the word scientific temper. Those ugly, stupid or not at all preferred by opposite sex? no problem arranged marriage with same caste women is there for the rescue. Parents are ‘always right’ mentality even when they are wrong and too dependent on them.
Trust me, nice people are very strict. Here is why: They are underestimated. They don’t come out as tough, capable or even the best for dating. However, when they act, they do a very good job. Being strict is like a defense mechanism from those that belittle people. They have learned the hard way. A lot of nice people have been victims to: ungrateful parties, trauma such as being bullied, heart broken and let down when they needed help the most. They are mostly very silent and so mostly very intelligent. They hardly care about the kosher that everyone cares about such as, who is cool, sexy or the best at stuff. They would not look down on you if they had stuff that you lacked. Therefore, their nature just forces them to be strict.
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They are not given a chance to speak. Hardly does anyone want to hear from a nice, seemingly soft person. Therefore, they tend to be strict and hardworking to prove that they very much can get things done. They just don’t like rudeness and negative behavior. Many nice people are pragmatic and know, wrong is wrong and right is right. Therefore, when you make a mistake, they will simply punish you. They try to protect others from going through what they went through. Remember they learned the hard way? They hate being taken advantage of. Most people are out to get others, use them and then throw them away. Therefore, nice people try to avoid such people.
I used to commute to our school with my roommate during college. Each way was an hour long. In the morning, we’d usually be quiet, trying to come to our senses for having to get up early. But something would happen on the way back, and we’d discuss philosophical and metaphysical matters nearly every day in a debate setting. Sometimes we’d talk about time travel. Sometimes we’d question our existence. Once, we discussed whether it was possible to be truly open-minded. And we’ve realized that it was often necessary to not be completely open-minded. If you’re asking a question like this, you probably are at least a little into science. You can deduce that being narrow-minded has an important function for us.
Otherwise we wouldn’t have evolved to have it. So why? Why does one not accept an obvious proof and stick with what you think you know? Ever seen a magician? They can eat a billiard ball, then fart it out, or at least it looks like that. And you know that it only looks like that. This is why we have such advanced intelligence. We aren’t only intelligent because we can make the wheel and then automobiles. We are also intelligent, because we recognize that our intelligence is limited. We don’t think the magician actually ate a ball and could poop it out within seconds. We know that what we see does not currently make sense to us, and therefore it is better to stick with what we know:
A human cannot eat and then poop an object within seconds, maybe 30 to 45 minutes fastest. When you throw a new concept to someone’s face, their initial reaction will be to stick with what they know. You will need to make sure that you provide plenty of examples. You will need to make sure that you do this in a way that they don’t feel like you’re trying to ah-I-prove-you-wrong-stupid style. Even then, you may not convince someone on the spot. It’ll take time for us to internalize this new concept that proves us wrong. Cheers!
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2yThanks a lot for this beautiful article.
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2y...but the height of the lid differ from one person to another
NMF Founder and CEO, University Teaching, Int'l Development, SDGs; Focusing: Climate Action, Gender Equality, Environment, Good Health, Quality Education, and Well-being for PWD & MH; ex UN (FAO and WFP), and ex CARE USA
2yKishore Shintre, all the best from Naifa Maruf Foundation